D. Preman Niles is one of the outstanding contemporary Asian Christian theologians. He is the author of The Lotus and the Sun: Asian Theological Engagement with Plurality and Power (2013), From East and West: Rethinking Christian Mission (2004), and Faith in a Global Economy: A Primer for Christians (1998).
Innovative Discoveries for Ecumenical Ministries (Innovative Discoveries for Ecumenical Ministries)
by Richard H. Guerrette
Innovative Discoveries for Ecumenical Ministries presents pertinent historical pastoral research considerations of the identity crisis in the priesthood requiring reconciliation of the hierarchical authority structures which have impaired authentic Christological pastoral leadership for decades. This work offers multiple infrastructural models for an ecumenical church integrating denominational divisions with leadership planning toward reconciling Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox ministerial s...
Infectious disease, wounded and dying soldiers, and a shortage of supplies were the daily realities faced by the nuns who nursed with Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War. This study documents their involvement in the conflict and how the nuns bore witness to the effects of carnage and official indifference, in many cases traumatized as a result. This book reflects on the initiative and courage shown by the nuns and how their actions can be viewed as part of a wider movement among women in...
Soren Kierkegaard and the Common Man (Kierkegaard Classic Studies)
by Jorgen Bukdahl
Life And Times Of Arthur Hildersham - Prince Among Purit, Th
by Lesley A. Rowe
The Care of the Dead in Late Antiquity (Cornell Studies in Classical Philology)
by Eric Rebillard
In this provocative book Éric Rebillard challenges many long-held assumptions about early Christian burial customs. For decades scholars of early Christianity have argued that the Church owned and operated burial grounds for Christians as early as the third century. Through a careful reading of primary sources including legal codes, theological works, epigraphical inscriptions, and sermons, Rebillard shows that there is little evidence to suggest that Christians occupied exclusive or isolated bu...
Die Evangeliencitate Justins des Martyrers in ihrem Wert fur die Evangelienkritik
by Wilhelm Bousset
The Seven Cities of the Apocalypse and Greco-Asian Culture
by Roland H Jr Worth
What can man know about God? This question became one of the main problems during the 4th-century Trinitarian controversy, which is the focus of this book. Especially during the second phase of the conflict, the claims of Anomean Eunomius caused an emphatic response of Orthodox writers, mainly Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nyssa. Eunomius formulated two ways of theology to show that we can know both the substance (ousia) and activities (energeiai) of God. The Orthodox Fathers demonstrated tha...
Le Monastere de la Visitation Sainte-Marie de Riom Et Jeanne-Charlotte de Brechard (Religion)
by Everat-E