Cornered. Boxed in. On our last leg. In a pickle. Between a rock and a hard place. Sitting on a powder keg. Out of options. No where to turn. At the end of our rope. At our wits' end. Life often sends us to our wits' end, with our backs againstĀ a wall and no idea how to escape. At times like these, there's a battle going on between our head and our heart. In our hearts we believe God loves us, but in our heads we struggle with tough questions.If He loves me so much, why do I hurt so much?Am I b...
100 Gold Nuggets of Wisdom for Christians to Rise Up
by Daniel Flagg
Demons do not need a specific invitation to oppress and influence people's lives; they sneak into homes, families and churches at the smallest opportunity, often under the noses of even the most vigilant believers. "Spiritual Housecleaning" explains, step by step, how readers can rid their lives of the enemy's influence. This revised and updated edition includes new, amazing stories from people who have experienced spiritual victory using the biblical warfare methods described in this book. Pare...