Fast Facts on Jehovah's Witnesses
by Dr John Ankerberg and John Weldon
From blood transfusions to salvation by works, John Ankerberg and John Weldon expose the unorthodox doctrines that put Jehovah's Witnesses at risk physically and spiritually. With its easy-to-follow, question-and-answer format, this book allows readers to quickly discover- who founded Jehovah's Witnesses and why why medical care essential to life is refused why few Jehovah's Witnesses look forward to eternal life in God's presence how many Jehovah's Witnesses prophecies have failed-and why how J...
Acquiring Freedom from Fundamentalist Religious Thinking
by Peter Porjohn
Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses
by M. James Penton
Pathways to Freedom offers a helping hand to former Jehovah's Witnesses who can too easily become stuck in the transit zone between the Watchtower and new life. How do you let go of the baggage which weighs you down all along the way? How do you start to make new friends when you always had it drummed into you that you could trust nobody outside the Witnesses? How do you stop the constantly nagging doubts about whether you did the right thing to break free? Pathways to Freedom is here to hel...
Go Therefore And Make Disciples Baptizing Them Matt 28 19 JW Notebook
by Jw Witnessing Supplies
60 Questions Every Jehovah's Witness Should Be Asked
by Ian Brown, Etc
Love Never Fails Jw International Convention 2019 Berlin
by Pioneer Bros
Externe Und Interne Beobachtungen Und Aussagen Zur Erziehung in Einem Geschlossenen Religioesen System Am Beispiel Der Zeugen Jehovas (UEbergange. Studien Zur Evangelischen Und Katholischen Theologie/Religionspadagogik, #16) (Uebergaenge. Studien Zur Evangelischen Und Katholischen Theo, #16)
by Sarah Pohl
Diese Studie analysiert am Beispiel der Zeugen Jehovas Chancen und Risiken weltanschaulicher Erziehung in geschlossenen religioesen Gruppierungen. Im Mittelpunkt steht eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse von Texten der Zeugen Jehovas zum Thema Erziehung. Dabei werden Diskrepanzen zwischen Innen- und Aussendarstellung herausgearbeitet. Einblick in die Erziehungsrealitat bieten Interviews mit den Zeugen Jehovas angehoerigen Eltern und eine Internetbefragung von jungen Aussteigern. Die Studie wird erga...
The Wisdom of James Allen (Wisdom of James Allen, #2) (Radiant Life S.)
by James Allen
James Allen was one of our finest thinkers. In this 4 - in - 1 omnibus edition Allen show's you the power of positive thinking and a path to prosperity with dignity. These teachings are as timeless today as they were when they were written. Many of today's best sellers, such as The Power of Positive Thinking, Laws of Attraction, and The Science of Success, and The Secret owe a deep and abiding debt to these great works. Now you can read the words of the master. This edition includes: All These T...