" , autrement dit, on ne saurait grimper sur un arbre avec un seul bras> " (Sagesse Beti/Cameroun, pour exprimer la notion de solidarite). Prenant comme point de depart l'hypothese que la notion de solidarite dans l'enseignement social de l'Eglise catholique connait un reseau d'influences et d'heritages historiques, philosophiques, sociologiques et ethiques; cette etude se propose de montrer en premier lieu, l'evolution du concept de solidarite ne en France au XIXeme siecle jusqu'a son usage dan...
Emerge 1.0 Small-Group Leader's Guide for Older Youth
by Matthew Milthaler
Crossings: Creating Fun (Crossings: A Series for Young Adults)
by Kathy McGovern
Authenticity (Building Character Together, #1)
by Brett Eastman, Dee Eastman, and Todd Wendorff
These Are Our Bodies (These Are Our Bodies)
by Leslie Choplin and Jenny Beaumont
Parents & Family (Junior High School Group Study) (Uncommon)
by Kara Powell
Preteen Resources-Fall 2011 (Heartshaper)
Simple magic tricks for teaching spiritual truths to children are explained in precise detail in this distinctive compendium. The lessons faithfully follow the catechism of the Catholic Church, but many of the tricks can be used or adapted by teachers from other Christian denominations and other religions. Each trick is presented on a two-page spread and fully explicated by text and sequential illustrations. Magic tips for better performance are interspersed among the tricks, which are done with...
Religion Zeigen - Religion Erleben - Religion Verstehen (Religionspadagogik Innovativ, #16)
Teen Discussion You & Your Respons.