Lessons in Spiritual Development
by Anne Casson, Trevor Cooling, and Leslie Francis
Positive spiritual development is an obligation on all schools. This new source book for education professionals documents how ten leading Christian-ethos secondary schools have prioritized the spiritual development of their students. Each chapter tells the story of how one of the schools approaches this responsibility, showing the variety of innovation and creativity taking place within spiritual education. It offers wisdom from practitioners on the opportunities and challenges that exist, as...
Vacation Bible School on the Move Student Handbook Preschool/Kindergarten Vbs09
Making Your Children's Ministry the Best Hour of Every Kid's Week
by David Staal
Promiseland is Willow Creek's highly successful children's ministry. Using examples from Promiseland and churches of all sizes around the country, this book provides step by step guidance and creative application exercises to help churches develop a thriving children's ministry-one that strives to be the best hour of every kid's week. Included are Scripture-based principles and practical resources for church staff members and volunteers who agree with the critical role children's ministry plays...
Rescued from the Dragon (Adventures in the Kingdom)
by Dian Layton
Fall 2017 Early Childhood Teacher's Guide (Shine: Living in God's Light)
Advice and Warnings from Your Grandpa
by Michael S Brown Sr, Taswell Goode, and John Roy Harris
What Happens When Children Pray
by Evelyn Christenson and Liz Duckworth
Fathom Bible Studies: The Life in the Church 2 Leader Guide
by Sara Galyon
101 Creative Worship Ideas for Children's Church
by Jolene L Roehlkepartain
Women of Faith, renowned for their unique combination of personality and truth, offer fresh new messages in four new topical study guides in the popular Women of Faith Study Guide Series. Each study guide, teeming with insights and quotes from the conference speakers provides twelve weeks of Bible study and a leader's guide for small groups.