Journal of the Early Book Society Vol. 21 (Journal of the Early Book Society, #21)
"A woman preaching is like a dog walking on its hind legs," Dr. Johnson pronounced. "It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all." The prejudice embodied in this remark has persisted over time, impeding any proper assessment of the female preaching tradition and its role in shaping social and literary discourse. The Reader's Repentance recovers this tradition, and in doing so revises the history of nineteenth-century women's writing. Christine L. Krueger persuasively argues...
An illuminating study of how gender and work intersect among the rural clergy
Every major religion exalts certain individuals who occupy a dual role. On the one hand they serve as exemplars of virtue to be imitated, and on the other hand they stand removed from other mortals, privileged and unique. Christianity knows them as saints, and in the study of religion the term has been taken over and applied to similar figures in other traditions. The essays in this volume analyze the role of the saint in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism, provid...
For several years now, the Roman Catholic Church and the institution of the priesthood itself have been at the center of a firestorm of controversy. While many of the criticisms lodged against the actions of the Church - and a small number of its priests - are justified, the conventional wisdom that has gained currency as an explanation for these actions is, according to Andrew M. Greeley in Priests, often flat-out wrong. Neither liberal nor conservative, Priests offers nothing less than a portr...
Army Techniques Publication Atp 2-01.3 Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield March 2019
by United States Government Us Army
Little Book of the Work of Infinite Love
by Louise Margaret Claret De La Touche
Brief Catechism for Adults : a Complete Handbook on How to be a Good Catholic
by William J. Cogan
According to Tradition - Hagiographical Writing in India (Khoj, #5)
"The preacher's words are meant to connect, to resonate with and influence hearers. Too often, sermons fall short. Preaching in Pictures : Using Images for Sermons that Connect shows how to choose, use, and illustrate a controlling image in every sermon. Readers learn how one effective image can cause the proclaimed word to sink in and transform the listener. Peter Jonker helps readers build skills and confidence with practical instruction, examples, and straighforward teaching."--Publisher's de...