This book deals with the ecclesiological themes in the writings of Mar Jacob of Sarug, a West Syrian Church father, who lived in the sixth century. Mar Jacob of Sarug (ca. 451-521) stands next to Ephrem the Syrian as a poet theologian of the West Syrian Church. His writings, especially the metrical homilies, illustrate his imaginative reflections on Bible passages, demonstrating his theological perceptions. This book deals with the ecclesiological themes in Mar Jacob’s writings. The primary so...
Jesucristo 2018 Calendario (Edicion Espana)
by Calendarios Religiosos Cristianos
New Epigraphic Evidence from the Biblical Period (Tel Aviv Archaeological)
by Michael Heitzer
Die Geschichte der Neuapostolischen Kirche in der NS-Zeit wird anhand bisher unerforschter Quellen aus vielen Archiven neu geschrieben. Die quellenkritische Analyse fuhrte schliesslich zu der Fragestellung und Analysekategorie der "inszenierten Loyalitaten". Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf den Akteuren und deren Handlungspraxis. So wird die formale und materiale NS-Belastung von Funktionstragern beleuchtet, die uberwachte Korrespondenz mit jener verglichen, die unter Umgehung der Zensur gefuhrt w...
Der Exodus und das Ende der Hyksos Dynastie (Kurzfassung)
by James Z Weiss
The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries (Oxford Scholarship Online)
by David Ulansey
This book sets forth an entirely new explanation of the meaning of one of the most popular religions of the Romans. The so-called "mystery religion" of Mithraism began to spread in the Roman Empire in the first century CE, reached its peak in the third century, and finally succumbed to Christianity at the end of the fourth century. At its height, the cult could be found "from the Black Sea to the mountains of Scotland", and it was evidently one of the principle competitors of early Christianity....
Collectanea Augustiniana
Angels, a Messenger by Any Other Name in the Judeo-Christian and Islamic Traditions
What were/are angels and what was/were their purpose(s) still agitates many readers of the many documents in which they are mentioned. This topic proved to both interest and challenge the presenters at the Seminar in Biblical Characters in Seoul, South Korea, from which this book is derived.Communication between the heavenly realms and the earth were/are at the core of the human consideration of, and openness to the existence of beings from the heavens who can and have visited us humans. Humans...
Protestantismus Heute (Theologisch-Philosophische Beitraege Zu Gegenwartsfragen, #25)
by Uwe Gerber
Ekion, the son of Hermes, relates how he came to be one of Jason's Argonauts and the adventures they shared in search of the Golden Fleece.
This collection of essays is a tribute to Rachel Elior's decades of teaching, scholarship and mentoring. If a Festschrift reflects the individuality of the honoree, then this volume offers insights into the scope of Rachel Elior's interests and scholarly achievements in the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Jewish apocalypticism, magic, and mysticism from the Second Temple period to the later rabbinic and Hekhalot developments. The majority of articles included in the volume deal with Jewish and Ch...
Death matters and the matters of death are initially, and to a large extent, the decaying flesh of the corpse. Cremation as a ritual practice is the fastest and most optimal way of dissolving the corpse's flesh, either by annihilation or purification, or a combination. Still, cremation was not the final rite, and the archaeological record testifies that the dead represented a means to other ends - the flesh, and not the least the bones - have been incorporated in a wide range of other ritual con...