Learning the ABCs Apologetics, the Bible, and Creation
by Rev David M Brown
Journal of Gospels and Acts Research. Volume 4
by Craig S. Keener and Craig A. Evans
Gender and the Interpretation of Classical Myth (Classical Inter/faces)
by Lillian Doherty
Myths reflect, reinforce, and sometimes subvert gender ideologies and so have an influence in the 'real world'. This is true in the present no less than when the Greek and Roman myths were created. The struggles to redefine gender roles and identities in our own time are inevitably reflected in our interpretations and retellings of these classical myths. Using the new lenses provided by gender studies and the diverse forms of feminism, Lillian Doherty re-examines some of the major approaches to...
There is more material available on Herakles than any other Greek god or hero. His story has many more episodes than those of other heroes, concerning his life and death as well as his battles with myriad monsters and other opponents. In literature, he appears in our earliest Greek epic and lyric poetry, is reinvented for the tragic and comic stage, and later finds his way into such unlikely areas as philosophical writing and love poetry. In art, his exploits are amongst the earliest identifiab...
From 'Passio Perpetuae' to 'Acta Perpetuae' (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, #127)
by Petr Kitzler
While concentrated on the famous Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis, this book focuses on an area that has so far been somewhat marginalized or even overlooked by modern interpreters: the recontextualizing of the Passio Perpetuae in the subsequent reception of this text in the literature of the early Church. Since its composition in the early decades of the 3rd century, the Passio Perpetuae was enjoying an extraordinary authority and popularity. However, it contained a number of revolutionary and i...
This public lecture is staged annually in memory of the ecclesiastic historian Hans Lietzmann (1875–1942), Adolf von Harnacks’s successor as director of the Academy project The Greek Christian Authors of the First Centuries (GDS). The invited speaker is an internationally renowned scholar from the field of archeology, classical studies, history of religion, and patristics. The lectures address central topics of the history of ancient religion that are of relevance to the present day.
Das Ordnungsdenken Im Christlich-Orthodoxen Raum (Erfurter Studien Zur Kulturgeschichte Des Orthodoxen Christe, #20)
by Marian Patru
Archaeologists have been increasingly turning their attention to the study of religion, but the field so far has lacked a cross-cultural overview. This text challenges archaeological conventions by refusing to respect the geographic and temporal boundaries with which archaeologists too often define their field. Worldwide in range and comparative in perspective, this exploration is guided by several fundamental questions: how do we recognize religion in the archaeological record? When should we r...
Die Fruehgeschichte Des Christentums in Ephesus (European University Studies. Series II, Law, #1)
by Matthias Gunther
Diese Arbeit ist die erste Darstellung der Geschichte des Christentums in Ephesus im ersten und zweiten Jahrhundert. Alle fur das ephesinische Christentum der ersten beiden Jahrhunderte relevanten Traditionen werden rekonstruiert und auf ihren historischen Wert hin uberpruft. Zunachst gilt es, die These einer uberaus erfolgreichen ephesinischen Mission des Heidenapostels Paulus kritisch zu beleuchten. Sodann wird der Versuch unternommen, die Entwicklung des johanneischen Christentums in Ephesus...
Bis in die jungste Zeit hinein ist immer wieder behauptet worden, das Johannesevangelium habe in der Antike besonders in gnostischen Kreisen eine bevorzugte Rezeption erlebt und gebe darin seine besondere Affinitat zur gnostischen Gedankenwelt zu erkennen. Die vorliegende Arbeit uberpruft diese These an Hand ausgewahlter Texte aus dem Handschriftenfund von Nag Hammadi und kommt zu dem Schluss, dass eine bevorzugte Rezeption des 4. Evangeliums in den gnostischen Texten nicht nachweisbar ist. Dabe...
The Gospel of Thomas is an enigmatic collection of 114 sayings of Jesus. Here, April DeConick explores tough questions that have occupied scholars since the discovery of this gospel in the sands of Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in the 1940's. Where did this gospel come from? When was it written? Who wrote it? Why was it composed? What is its meaning? Rather than taking the conventional approach to answering these questions, DeConick examines these issues anew by proposing that the gospel developed within...
Using results of an investigation and a collection of illustrations, this book explores the site of the tomb of Christ in Jerusalem. It examines the site in detail, its appearance, and the destructions and rebuildings through the years.
Religion (Heidentum: Die Religioesen Verhaltnisse in Den Provinzen)
Eucharist and Excommunication (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #19)
by Kenneth Hein
Benefit-sharing in Environmental Governance (Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management)
by Louisa Parks
Taking a bottom-up perspective, this book explores local framings of a wide range of issues related to benefit-sharing, a growing concept in global environmental governance. Benefit-sharing in Environmental Governance draws on original case studies from South Africa, Namibia, Greece, Argentina, and Malaysia to shed light on what benefit-sharing looks like from the local viewpoint. These local-level case studies move away from the idea of benefit-sharing as defined by a single international orga...
Annua Dies Dormitionis (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #300)
by Peter Karpinski
Die Untersuchung behandelt die Frage nach Werden und Bedeutung des fruhchristlichen Jahrgedachtnisses der Toten, einschliesslich der Martyrer, im griechischen und lateinischen Sprachbereich bis zum Beginn des 5. Jahrhunderts. Ihre Beantwortung wird an einem weiteren konkreten Punkt zur Klarung des grundlegenden Problems der Alten Kirche und unseres wissenschaftlichen Urteils uber ihre Lebensvollzuge beitragen: Es geht um die Art des Hineinwachsens des Christentums in die antike Welt bzw. - und d...
Holy Women of the Syrian Orient (Transformation of the Classical Heritage, #13)
The fifteen hagiographies about holy women of the Syrian Orient collected here include stories of martyrs' passions and saints' lives, pious romances and personal reminiscences. Dating from the fourth to seventh centuries A.D., they are translated from Syriac into accessible and vivid prose. Annotations and source notes by the translators help clarify elements that may be unfamiliar to some readers. This collection bears witness to the profound contributions women made to early Chistianity: thei...
Zum Thema 'Marcion und seine Weltanschauung' wurde bislang Tertullians Werk gegen diesen Haretiker zumeist steinbruchartig benutzt, um daraus Erkenntnisse uber den marcionitischen Streit zu gewinnen. Dieses Werk hingegen sucht Tertullians eigene Strategien, Methoden der Argumentation sowie rhetorische Mittel zu analysieren. UEber diese Interpretation hinaus mussen in einem ersten Schritt freilich auch Einleitungsfragen wie die nach der Genese oder den Adressaten des Werkes eroertert werden. Gema...