Die Nestorianer Und Der Fruehe Islam (Theion, #23)
by Marijke Metselaar
Die Darstellung der Begegnungen der ostsyrischen Christen ("Nestorianer") im ehemaligen Perserreich mit dem fruhen Islam ist fur die heutige Auseinandersetzung von Christentum und Islam von groesster Relevanz. Sowohl die Theologie und Gelehrsamkeit der Nestorianer werden in diesem Buch behandelt, als auch ihre erfolgreiche Mission unter den benachbarten arabischen Stammen. Weiter wird die Entwicklung der ostsyrischen Kirche nach dem Siegeszug der Araber herausgearbeitet. Nachdem diese Bagdad im...
Layard relates fascinating tales of his adventures in Persia and Mesopotamia before the discovery of Nineveh.
This handsome and lavishly illustrated volume invites the reader to explore the exotic and distant world of Greek culture--not primarily the conventional literary idea of that culture but the range of experiences presented in its iconography. Between the sixth and fifth centuries B.C., Athenian artisans flooded the Mediterranean world with remarkable decorated vases depicting a large variety of images. Using the resources of social and religious anthropology, the authors exploit the richness of...
Andrew Lang (1844-1912) was a prolific Scots man of letters, a poet, novelist, literary critic and contributor to anthropology. He now is best known as the collector of folk and fairy tales. He was educated at the Edinburgh Academy, St Andrews University and at Balliol College, Oxford. As a journalist, poet, critic and historian, he soon made a reputation as one of the ablest and most versatile writers of the day. Lang was one of the founders of the study of "Psychical Research," and his other w...
That seafaring was fundamental to Roman prosperity in the eastern Mediterranean is beyond doubt, but a tendency by scholars to focus on the grandest long-distance movements between major cities has obscured the finer and varied contours of maritime interaction. This book offers a nuanced archaeological analysis of maritime economy and connectivity in the Roman east. Drawing together maritime landscape studies and network analysis, Roman Seas takes a bottom-up view of the diverse socioeconomic co...
Musik in Deutschen Texten Des Mittelalters (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #1601)
by Kerstin Bartels
Musik spielt in mittelalterlichen Texten eine zentrale Rolle. Dichter beschreiben, dass sie beispielsweise in der Kirche, wahrend eines Festes, eines Turniers oder im Kampf erklingt. Aber auch im Himmel und in der Holle wird musiziert. Zu ermitteln, welche Funktion der Musik zukommt und wie sie literarisch gestaltet wird, ist Ziel dieser Arbeit. Es geht um Orte und Anlasse sowie um die Frage, welche Personen musizieren. Antworten geben deutsche Dichtungen, wie Bibeldichtungen, Marienleben, Roman...
Teach Yourself Greek Myths (Teach Yourself Myths) (Tyg)
by Steve Eddy and Dr Claire Hamilton
Myths are symbolic stories that have evolved through oral tradition, and they have guided and inspired us for many years. Follow these lively retellings of popular and significant Greek myths and discover how to unlock their hidden meanings so that they can be better understood. Explore and enjoy for yourself the subtle truths these tales have to offer. * Discover more about Greek mythology. * Bring these ancient myths to life by discovering how to interpret them. * Uncover the psychological, so...
Rituals of Death and Dying in Modern and Ancient Greece
by Evy Johanne Haland
*Winner of the AFS Elli Koengas-Maranda Prize 2016*Multidisciplinary or post-disciplinary research is what is needed when dealing with such complex subjects as ritual behaviour. This research, therefore, combines ethnography with historical sources to examine the relationship between modern Greek death rituals and ancient written and visual sources on the subject of death and gender.The central theme of this work is women's role in connection with the cult of the dead in ancient and modern Greec...
Sons of Hellenism, Fathers of the Church (Transformation of the Classical Heritage, #49)
by Susanna Elm
This groundbreaking study brings into dialogue for the first time the writings of Julian, the last non-Christian Roman Emperor, and his most outspoken critic, Bishop Gregory of Nazianzus, a central figure of Christianity. Susanna Elm compares these two men not to draw out the obvious contrast between the Church and the Emperor's neo-Paganism, but rather to find their common intellectual and social grounding. Her insightful analysis, supplemented by her magisterial command of sources, demonstrate...
Role of the Bishop in Late Antiquity (Criminal Practice)
by Dr Andrew Fear and Mar Marcos Sanchez
Late Antiquity witnessed a major transformation in the authority and power of the Episcopate within the Church, with the result that bishops came to embody the essence of Christianity and increasingly overshadow the leading Christian laity. The rise of Episcopal power came in a period in which drastic political changes produced long and significant conflicts both within and outside the Church. This book examines these problems in depth, looking at bishops' varied roles in both causing and resolv...
Schoenheit Gottes und des Menschen (Regensburger Studien zur Theologie, #55)
by Alberto Carlos Capboscq
Diese Arbeit untersucht das Werk In Canticum Canticorum, den umfangreichsten biblischen Kommentar Gregors von Nyssa, aus der sonst in der patrologischen Forschung nicht ublichen Perspektive des Schoenen und des Guten. Dadurch eroeffnet sie einen Zugang zu grundlegenden originellen Aspekten in der Theologie des Kappadokiers, wobei bekannte Wesenszuge in der Auffassung Gregors von Gott, Mensch und christlichem Leben in ein neues Licht rucken.