Remains of the Late Right Reverend Daniel Sandford, D. D. Oxon, Vol. 2 of 2
by Daniel Sandford
A Discourse Delivered One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago (Classic Reprint)
by George Weekes
Memoir of The Rev. Archibald Campbell Scarth, Rector St. George's Church, Lennoxville, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Bishop's College, Lennoxville, and Canon of the Cathedral of Quebec; Together With Dr. Scarth's Reminiscenses of His Life And...
by Henry 1829-1909 Roe
Missionary Bishops, a Plea for Indians Immigrants, Particularly in the Algoma District [microform]
by Julius Anglicanus
Playing with Truth (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs)
by Nicholas Hammond
Pascal's Pensees is generally acknowledged as one of the greatest masterpieces of seventeenth-century France, an unfinished work which has both inspired and perplexed readers in succeeding centuries. Playing with Truth is the first comprehensive book on Pascal to be devoted to his use of key terms depicting the central subject of the Pensees, the human condition. Nicholas Hammond explores such fundamental notions as language and order, proceeding with a detailed analysis of the words inconstanc...
In Christ Jesus, or the Sphere of the Believer's Life (Classic Reprint)
by Arthur Tappan Pierson
Minutes of the Eightieth Annual Session, of the Alabama Baptist Association
by Alabama Baptist Association
SOCIAL MEDIA AND MINISTRY Sharing The Gospel In The Digital Age
by Kenneth Lillard
SOCIAL MEDIA AND MINISTRY Sharing The Gospel In The Digital Age is a practical guide for all (including pastors and church leaders) to social media. It is a handbook, a how-to-manual for ministries and others on how to use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media platforms to increase their influence. It is a Pastor's Guide to Social Media. This book is also for those, in general, who seek a better understanding of social networking, and how social media impacts our daily lives. Finally...
The Works of the Late Rev. Stephen Charnock, B. D, Vol. 1 of 9
by Stephen Charnock
Christian Dogmatics and Notes on the History of Dogma (Classic Reprint)
by Conrad Emil Lindberg
A Plea for the Deity of Jesus, and the Doctrine of the Trinity
by David Simpson
This “amusing and elegantly written” romp takes readers on a wild ride through the life of Robert Parkin Peters (The New York Times Book Review)—a liar, bigamist, and fraudulent priest who tricked some of the brightest minds of his generation. One day in November 1958, the celebrated historian Hugh Trevor–Roper received a curious letter. It was an appeal for help, written on behalf of a student at Magdalen College, with the unlikely claim that he was being persecuted by the Bishop of Oxford. Cu...
Although the Gospels of Matthew and Luke support the tradition that there were two Jesus children, the idea was not adopted by the Church. Something of the idea lingered on in Christian art and symbolism, but the full tradition was preserved only in the literature of such esoteric sects as the Gnostics, who did not adopt all the official teachings of institutionalized Christianity. David Ovason explores the literature and art in which these symbols have been preserved, in particular, the ancient...
Interpretation von Psalm 22. Klage- oder Lobespsalm?
by Mona Ullmann
Sermons by the Rev. Thomas Gisborne, M.a (Classic Reprint)
by Thomas Gisborne
Das Amt der Diakonisse in der Alten Kirche. Entwicklung und Funktionen
by Jochen Mueller
Die Unvergaengliche Geschichtsdauer Der Kirche in Ihrer Ekklesiologischen Entfaltung (Europaische Hochschulschriften / European University Studies / Publications Universitaires Europeenn, #670) (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #670)
by Reinhard Knittel
Im wesentlichen unzerstoerbar und unveranderlich versteht sich die katholische Kirche in ihrer geschichtlichen Existenzweise. Diese kann also nie ganzlich und endgultig zu der sie unbedingt verpflichtenden Wesensvorgabe in der Offenbarung in Widerspruch treten, etwa durch aussere Zerstoerung oder durch inneren Abfall. Wahre Geschichtlichkeit der Kirche und bleibende Wesensidentitat verbinden sich im Begriff der indefektiblen Geschichtsdauer der Kirche. In einem breit angelegten, positiv-analytis...
The Cossacks and Religion in Early Modern Ukraine
by Professor Serhii Plokhy