Transactions of the Second Annual Congress of the Federation of European Sections of the Theosophical Society
Theosophical Quarterly Magazine, 1919 To 1920
by H P Blavatsky and C. Jinarajadasa
Theosophy and Yoga (Modern Theosophy, #4)
by Jenny Baker and Annie Besant
In this complementary book to Old Testament Studies, Frieling begins by looking at the nature of the gospels, and the accounts of healings contained in them. With close attention to the details of the New Testament texts he illuminates the events of Christ's life, and shows how the gospels can be directly related to the events and problems of everyday life. He concludes with a consideration of agape, the divine love in the Gospel of St John.
Theosophy and Social Justice: Texts by Dr. Barbara B. Hebert, William Quan Judge & Annie Besant (Modern Theosophy, #5)
by Dr. Barbara B. Hebert and William Quan Judge
Steiner depicts here the deep realities of the spiritual life of the Greeks and the deeds of their gods, as well as the Eleusinian and Dionysian Mysteries. He shows how the same living reality of the spiritual world can be reawakened today in a modern form through spiritual science due to the incarnation of Christ at the time of the Greek culture.
An Outline of Theosophy
by Charles Webster Leadbeater and C W 1847-1934 Leadbeater
An Outline of Theosophy, What It Is, How Is It Known, The Method of Observation, General Principles, The Three Great Truths, Advantages Gained from This Knowledge, The Deity, The Divine Scheme, The Constitution of Man, The True Man, Reincarnation, The Wider Outlook, Death, Man's Past and Future, Cause and Effect, What Theosophy Does for Us
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
by Eva S Dowling and Michael I Levi