Karl Rahner's seemingly inscrutable theology of freedom can be summarized simply: human freedom makes manifest (or fails to make manifest) God's eternal decision to create, to save creation, and thereby to share Godself. Freedom is something real, a substantive freedom for: for saying ""yes"" to God's merciful self-giving. This freedom most often comes to light not in extraordinary triumphs of spirit, but amid small acts whereby common sinners and downtrodden people travel a pilgrim journey, gra...
Five years ago, DeRay Mckesson quit his job as a schoolteacher, moved to Ferguson, Missouri, and spent the next 400 days on the streets as an activist, helping to bring the Black Lives Matter movement into being. Now, in his first book, he draws on his own experiences – of growing up without his mother, with a father in recovery, of having a house burn down and a bully chase him home from school, of pacifying a traffic cop at gunpoint and being dragged out of a police station by his ankles, of...
Moral Theology (Liberation & theology, Vol 9) (Theology & Liberation)
by Antonio Moser and Bernardino Leers
In this unique book, David Fillingim explores country music as a mode of theological expression. Following the lead of James Cone's classic, "The Spirituals and the Blues, Fillingim looks to country music for themes of theological liberation by and for the redneck community. The introduction sets forth the book's methodology and relates it to recent scholarship on country music. Chapter 1 contrasts country music with Southern gospel music--the sacred music of the redneck community--as responses...
It is rarely the case that an intellectual movement can point to an individual figure as its founder. Yet James Cone has been heralded as the acknowledged genius and the creator of black theology. In nearly 50 years of published work, James Cone redefined the intent of academic theology and defined a whole new movement in intellectual thought. In Introducing James H. Cone Anthony Reddie offers us an accessible and engaging assessment of Cone’s legacy, from his first book Black Theology and Black...
Beyond Eden
A major figure in African American social justice movements and Black theological praxis and theory, Rev. Dr. Prathia Laura Ann Hall (1940–2002) had not been the subject of a book-length critical study until Courtney Pace’s Freedom Faith: The Womanist Vision of Prathia Hall was published by the University of Georgia Press in 2019. Now with the publication of Beyond Eden: The Collected Sermons and Essays of Prathia Hall, Pace provides a volume of seminal importance to the fields of womanist theol...
Occupy Religion (Religion in the Modern World)
by Joerg Rieger and Kwok Pui-lan
Occupy Religion introduces readers to the growing role of religion in the Occupy Movement and asks provocative questions about how people of faith can work for social justice. From the temperance movement to the Civil Rights movement, churches have played key roles in important social movements, and Occupy Religion shows this role is no less critical today.
The Latino Christ in Art, Literature, and Liberation Theology (Querencias)
by Michael R. Candelaria
This exploration of Iberian, Latin American, and US-Hispanic representations of Christ focuses on outliers in art, literature, and theology: Spanish painter Salvador Dali, Mexican muralist Jose Clemente Orozco, Argentine writer Jorge Borges, Spanish existentialist Miguel de Unamuno, Brazilian theologian Leonardo Boff, and Mexican philosopher Jose Vasconcelos. Their work, and that of others, stands out from the conventional, stretching our imagination by probing the limits of our sensibilities.
Arguing for a revised reading of American moral theological tradition, Kevin Carnahan provides a thorough examination of the work of Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Ramsey and deftly articulates the importance of these two theologians in twentieth century American moral theology. Carnahan introduces their philosophical inheritances, explaining the impact of philosophical pragmatism and idealism and on Niebuhr and Ramsey respectively. He then offers a critical account of the development and transformat...
Gustavo Gutierrez, the renowned Peruvian theologian, here shares the wisdom of a pastor and homilist in opening up the riches of scripture through the liturgical year. Covering all three cycles (A-B-C) Gutierrez offers penetrating reflections on each of the Sunday lectionary readings. With brief exegesis and homiletic guide, Gutierrez offers a perspective on sacred scripture that continually emphasizes its themes of liberation and love, and draws connections to the challenge of faithfulness in o...
Clarke draws upon his unique perspective and firsthand experience to examine the relationship between the marginalized Dalit and the mainstream Christian communities of South India.
Changing Horizons is the second of two volumes highlighting the ways in which Elisabeth Schssler Fiorenzas work constructs a critical feminist theory and praxis of liberation, in relation to the biblical text and its legacy, and in relation to the theological and ecclesial setting of today. In these essays collected from her extraordinary career, Schssler Fiorenza attempts to free both biblical studies and theology from disciplinary constraints and assumptions that have allowed them to acquiesce...
The Collected Sermons of Jim Jones (The Collected Sermons of Jim Jones, #1)
by Jeff Hood
Black Theology in Transatlantic Dialogue (Black Religion/Womanist Thought/Social Justice)
by A. Reddie
In this book, Anthony G. Reddie creates a dynamic conversation between black theologies in the US and in the UK, comparing and highlighting divergences in the respective movements.
Theology, according to liberation theologians is only a second step. The first is praxis. A liberating praxis puts the poor and the marginalised at the centre. It is found in the collective response of global religious communities responding to crises – and a global pandemic offers an important case in point, reminding religions of our shared humanity, and the need for interreligious cooperation and understanding to effect a positive response. In the context of seismic socio-economic and politi...
The Two Covenants (Collected Works of Andrew Murray, #23)
by Andrew Murray
Andrew Murray was born in South Africa in 1828. After receiving his education in Scotland and Holland, he returned to South Africa and spent many years there as both a pastor and missionary. He wrote over two hundred books, including some of the most enduring classics of Christian literature. He and his wife, Emma, raised eight children, and it is said that their home was an endless stream of activity.
Theological and Hermeneutical Explorations from Australia (Decolonizing Theology)
This book presents theological, cultural, ecclesial and hermeneutical explorations from a specific context-Australia-and invites reimagining of theology and hermeneutics. The horizons of contextuality explored in this book include indigeneity and sovereignty, contingencies of context, feminist theology, multiculturalism and intercultural theologies, sexual abuse and ecclesial coverups, suicide and worship, tradition(ing)s and betrayal, art and popular culture, climate effect and climate justice,...