A Body of Doctrinal Divinity Book 1 (Book 1, #1)
by David Clarke Certed and John Gill DD
Glaube Im Alltag (Europaische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXIII, Theologie,, #634)
by Johanna Schreiner
An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine
by John Henry Cardinal Newman
Wenn Ich -Ich- Sage (Regensburger Studien zur Theologie (Paperback), #46)
by Klaus Muller
The question of restoring women to the ordained diaconate surfaced during the Second Vatican Council and continued to resound in academic and pastoral circles well after the diaconate was restored as a permanent order in the church in the West. This volume contains twelve essays-five translated from Italian, three translated from French, and four in their original English-that answer the questions about the history and possible future of women deacons. Essays by: Yves Congar, OP Philippe Del...
Religious Affections (Hendrickson Christian Classics) (Classics of faith & devotions)
by Jonathan Edwards
Im Protestantismus wird derzeit uber das Verhaltnis zur Kultur nachgedacht. Fur die Theologie liegt darin die Chance, den eigenen Standort neu zu beschreiben. Wichtige Fundamente fur die moderne kulturwissenschaftliche Hermeneutik wurden in der Theologie gelegt. Die Anknupfung an diese Tradition ermoglicht es, die eingespielte, aber unfruchtbare Alternative zwischen dogmatischen Letztbegrundungsanspruchen und kriterienloser Beliebigkeit zu uberwinden. Im Anschluss an eine Tagung der Evangelische...
Encountering theology for the first time is exciting, but it can also be daunting. Some struggle to connect with doctrinal discussion they perceive to be abstract or abstruse. Others may find the scope of theology, and the connections between different theological issues, dizzying. In order to address these difficulties and keep the initial excitement alive, A New Introduction to Theology offers a range of accessible, practical, experiential and interactive encounters with the major elements of...
Karl Rahner's theory of how Jesus saves has garnered criticism. Rahner's portrayal of Jesus has been described by Hans Urs von Balthasar as merely notifying the world of God's salvific will. Others have doubted whether Rahner thinks Jesus "causes" salvation at all. Even Rahner's advocates style his Jesus as a kind of sign, albeit an effective one, the primal Sacrament. But another major and yet underappreciated dimension to Rahner's christology is his identification of Jesus as Representative-bo...
The essays which are brought together here were originally delivered during the first colloquium of the Karl Earth Society of North America. It met at Victoria University in Toronto on October 26 to 28, 1972, and was entitled: ""The Theology of Karl Barth."" The addresses by Markus Barth and Arthur Cochrane were given during the Colloquium Dinner; the others were more 'formal' and followed by at times very animated discussion. During that colloquium the Karl Barth Society of North America was i...
Is Christ a Christian? (Forschungen Zur Systematischen Und Okumenischen Theologie, #100)
by Per Loenning
Christian identity - a constituent of inter-religious dialogue - reexamined by an early participant in the Dialogue debate.
Einheit Und Vielheit ALS Metaphysisches Problem (Collegium Metaphysicum, #3)
Multilateral Theology (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)
by Timothy T.N Lim
This book introduces a new "multilateral" methodology for the contemporary study of theology. It bases this methodology on the idea that there are too many materials contributing as sources for theologizing to sustain the "one method fits all" approach found in many systematic theologies within Christianity. What is needed instead is something that reflects the various and varied natures, purposes, and tasks of theologians’ theologizing for their respective contexts. Engaging materials from a r...
The Mind of Christ (T&T Clark Studies in Systematic Theology)
by Stephen T. Pardue
This book brings a variety of theological resources to bear on the now widespread effort to put humility in its proper place. In recent years, an assortment of thinkers have offered competing evaluations of humility, so that its moral status is now more contentious than ever. Like all accounts of humility, the one advanced in this study has to do with the proper handling of human limits. What early Christian resources offer, and what discussions of the issue since the eighteenth century have of...
Forschungen zur systematischen und Akumenischen Theologie
by Christoph Klein
Zwischen dem westlichen GebetsverstAndnis als "GesprAch mit Gott" und der ostkirchlichen Gebetspraxis als "Verbindung oder Einheit mit Gott" besteht eine Kluft. In zehn Kapiteln untersucht Klein die Probleme des Betens und des betenden Menschen sowie die Quelle des Gebets und die Frage nach dem Gott, zu dem gebetet, und der Welt, in der gebetet wird. Er zeigt Weisen, Typen, Wege und Praktiken des Gebets auf. Jedes Kapitel besteht aus drei Abschnitten: der Darstellung der Problematik zunAchst aus...