40 Days with the Holy Spirit will inspire you to encounter God in fresh and surprising ways. You'll develop stronger spiritual muscles as you breathe, read, reflect, and pray-all with an eye to cultivating a relationship with the least familiar member of the Trinity. The book is interactive, offering the opportunity to write and pray each day; intelligent, rooted in a rigorous study of scripture, from Genesis to Revelation; and inviting, with 40 insightful, well-planned 20-30 minute daily exerci...
The Church in a Secular Age (Princeton Theological Monograph, #233)
by Silje Kvamme Bjorndal
Spirit Muscle - Building Your Spiritual Strength with God's Weight Set
by Jonathan Derrick Mathe
La Belleza del Lenguaje Espiritual
by Dr Jack W Hayford and Dr Charles F Stanley
I Know Why We are Called Hu-man Beings Do You?
by Olumide K Olamigoke and Florence Oluremi Olamigoke
In Jesus' Name (Journal of Pentecostal Theology Supplement, #31)
by David Reed
Jesus en mi: El gozo de la eterna compania del Espiritu Santo / Jesus in Me
by Anne Graham Lotz
Anne Graham Lotz, internacionalmente reconocida por su enseñanza bíblica e hija de Billy Graham, muestra aspectos bíblicos, por medio de testimonios personales, para revelar cómo la presencia del Espíritu Santo da forma a la vida diaria de un discípulo de Jesús. En Jesús en mí, Anne Graham Lotz recurre a su amplio conocimiento bíblico, así como a su historia personal, incluyendo su reciente diagnóstico de cáncer, para ayudarnos a comprender que el Espíritu Santo no es un genio mágico, una ll...
Who on earth is the Holy Spirit? (Questions Christians Ask)
by Tim Chester and Christopher de la Hoyde
Refresh Your Life in the Spirit (Celebrate 2000!)
by B Bleasdale, Henry Libersat, and Babsie Bleasdell