The Spirit Is Moving: New Pathways in Pneumatology (Studies in Reformed Theology, #38)
The work of the Spirit of God is a vibrant and much discussed topic in many contemporary Christian communities worldwide. Apparently, the Spirit is moving. Theological reflection on this phenomenon has even given rise to what is often called a 'pneumatological renaissance'. This volume not only takes stock of these remarkable developments, but also probes some of their hidden aspects and highlights avenues for future exploration. It contains a wide-ranging but coherent assortment of essays, cove...
The Deeper Christian Life (A Deeper Christian Classic, #1) (Devotional Classics)
by Andrew Murray
Holy Spirit and the Christian Life, The: Historical, Interdisciplinary, and Renewal Perspectives
Holy Spirit and Salvation in African Christian Theology, The: Imagining a More Hopeful Future for Africa
by David Tonghou Ngong
A classic on the Holy Spirit edited for today's reader. Emphasizes His present, personal role in the life of the church.
Spirit Outside the Gate (Missiological Engagements)
by Oscar Garcia-Johnson
Throughout the history of the Christian church, two narratives have constantly clashed: the imperial logic of Babel that builds towers and borders to seize control, versus the logic of Pentecost that empowers "glocal" missionaries of the kingdom life. To what extent are Westernized Christians today ready for the church of the Pentecost narrative? Are they equipped to do ministry in different cultural modes and to handle disruption and perplexity? What are Christians to make of the Holy Spirit's...
The notion that Jesus can literally be inside of us should startle us with the extent of the intimacy we can have with Jesus, and astonish us with the depth of connection he offers. And it's all possible because of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus In Me, revered evangelist and Bible teacher Anne Graham Lotz guides us to a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, who is Jesus without skin. In this practical study that is a true Bible study, Anne starts with a workshop on how to get to know the Ho...
Criticism has frequently been leveled at western theology that the Holy Spirit has been neglected in the history of the Christian tradition. In response to that criticism, Elizabeth Dreyer, examining genres rarely studied such as spiritual treatises, letters, sermons, and prayers, documents the creative use of metaphors from the Bible and everyday life that were used to describe the Holy Spirit. The book highlights the centrality of the doctrine of the Trinity and the intimate relationship among...
The work preaches deep and profound moral lessons to human beings everywhere. Luther preaches that good work requires complete faith in God. For the reward of kindness to be received either in this world or the hereafter, one must have complete trust in oneself and in the mightiness of God.
Who is the Holy Spirit? What is the Holy Spirit? The answers to these questions were so obvious in the first centuries of Christian history, that the New Testament and the earliest Christian writers did not feel the need to deliberately address the identity of the Spirit. The more stringent question was this: what does the Spirit do in the Hebrew Scriptures, in the life of Jesus, in the community of disciples, in the Church, and in the world? These same questions, however, did not have the same...
The Holy Spirit Study Guide (Foundations, #4)
by Tom Holladay and Kay Warren