Christians talk about the Holy Spirit, but rarely know how to recognize the Spirit's presence and activity in the world. Luke is the most illuminating gospel writer on the topic of the Holy Spirit. Luke writes about Jesus as the messiah anointed by the Holy Spirit, and about the church as the Spirit-empowered fellowship in the Mediterranean world of the first century. These meditations on Luke-Acts attempt to discern how the winds of the Spirit have blown in the lives of Jesus, his disciples, a...
How to Operate in the Gifts of Prophecy, Tongues and Interpretation
by Olumide Oladele
What's in the Bible About the Holy Spirit? (What's in the Bible & Why Should I Care?) (Why Is That in the Bible and Why Should I Care?)
by Alex Joyner
Absolute Surrender (General Press) (Collected Works of Andrew Murray, #2)
by Andrew Murray
Revealing and challenging, Absolute Surrender is a wonderful devotional. Based around a series of sermons by Andrew Murray, Absolute Surrender extols the need for "absolute surrender" to God. Murray provides concrete steps for bringing about such surrender in one's life. He also describes both the fruit of surrendering, e.g. true experience of the Holy Spirit in one's life, and the different "stages" one goes through on the "path to Christian liberty." Thus, anyone not fully experiencing Christi...
God the Holy Spirit (Great Doctrines of the Bible, #3) (GRDO)
by Martyn Lloyd-Jones