Der Einbruch von Boesem und UEbeln in das Leben provoziert Menschen seit alters, sich an Goettliches, Goetter oder Gott zu wenden, um sich im Leben neu zu orientieren. Wie vielschichtig das geschieht, untersucht Ingolf U. Dalferth in drei Gedankengangen, die sich mit den zentralen Strangen im christlichen Verstandnis des malum als Mangel an Gutem, als UEbeltat und als Unglaube auseinandersetzen. Dabei kommen das Theodizeeprojekt, das Freiheitsprojekt und das Gottesprojekt ausfuhrlich zur Sprache...
In this account of his thinking, Peter Marshall develops a dynamic and organic philosophy for the coming millennium which he calls liberation ecology. Liberation ecology is holistic in viewing the world as a harmonious whole and all beings and things as interwoven threads in nature's web. It recognizes intuition as the main source of knowledge, and, above all, it is libertarian in seeking to release humanity, society and nature from their existing burdens so that they can unfurl and realize toge...
Ending Hunger Now
by George S McGovern, Bob Dole, and Donald E. Messer
"Ending Hunger Now" brings together three powerful voices behind a shared conviction: that helping the millions who lack basic provision for food has become a religious imperative and human priority. Writing for congregations and individuals of faith, McGovern, Dole, and Messer appeal to the religious ethical foundations for action against hunger. Informative, inspiring, and filled with practical personal involvement and political commitment to the cause.
This follow-up devotional to the New York Times bestseller Keep It Shut takes a deeper look at the advice and commands of Scripture concerning the tongue, offering practical how-to's that will inspire you to use your words to build, bless, encourage, and praise. Each day we speak thousands of words in dozens of places. One thing is certain about the words we speak, type, and text: they are powerful, and they have consequences. They can impart love and life or deliver discouragement and defeat....
The Niebuhr Brothers for Armchair Theologians (Armchair Theologians)
by Scott R. Paeth
This volume offers a compelling introduction to the life, times, and theological thought of H. Richard and Reinhold Niebuhr--the two most important American theologians of the twentieth century. Although the Niebuhr brothers shared the same heritage and experienced many of the same formative moments, their thought diverged at key points as their lives and careers developed. Scott R. Paeth's expert introduction to the Niebuhr brothers explores this history and the enduring influence of the Niebuh...
“If God is a stranger in our house, then it is quite certain that our house is not our home, for we are made to be at home with God. That we are not yet at home is not, in itself, occasion for surprise. For we are travellers, pilgrim people. . . .” —from Among Strangers and Friends: Thinking of God in Our Current Confusion Theologian Nicholas Lash’s new collection of essays exposes a crisis in our thinking about God, a crisis at the root of our misunderstandings about science and politics, ethi...
Men know all about their need for sexual purity. What they want is a plan that will enable them to attain it. In the midst of a culture that shouts "Sex!" from every corner, men need a friend to talk honestly about how to master lust and achieve control over this crucial area of their lives.Bill Perkins details a proven biblical strategy for sexual integrity. He shows men how to achieve a purity that will flow from their relationship with God and strengthen their self-respect, the sanctity of th...
The Bible might seem like the last place one would look for information and guidance on economics, but in fact the Bible deals with all aspects of life. Richard Horsley's Covenant Economics explores economic issues in the Bible, offering pastors, students, and laity a clearer understanding of the Bible's clarion call for economic justice for all--an issue that is sure to resonate during today's trying economic times. Questions for discussion and suggestions for further reading are included in t...
An expansion of the 1971 classic text, this second edition of Liberation and Reconciliation argues for a balance between the quest for liberation and the need for reconciliation in black-white relations. Written by one of the pioneers of Black Theology, it examines biblical and theological themes from the perspective of Black experience and concludes that nonviolent reconciliation is the best response to racial oppression.
Christian discourse on sexuality, spirituality, and ethics has continued to evolve since this book's first edition was published in 1994. This updated and expanded anthology featuring more than thirty contemporary essays includes more theologians and ethicists of color and addresses issues such as the intersection of race/racism and sexuality, transgender identity, same-sex marriage, and reproductive health and justice.
This is the final volume in a unique new commentary series that helps the preacher identify and reflect on the social implications of the biblical readings in the Revised Common Lectionary. The essays concentrate on the themes of social justice in the weekly texts and how those themes can be teachable moments for preaching social justice in the church. In addition to the lectionary days, there are essays for twenty-two "Holy Days of Justice," including Martin Luther King Day, Earth Day, World A...
This powerful book shows how many Christians, including pastors, parents and leaders, have unwittingly absorbed many cultural ideas about sexuality that are not supported by the Bible. As people created by God for relationship, our sexuality guarantees that we will long for and be drawn toward others, McMinn provides a blueprint for understanding sexuality--and our longing to be loved-- at all stages of life (childhood, teen years, early adulthood, midlife, and old age), and addresses tough topi...
"The Sacred Desert" is a reflection on the role of the desert in theology, history, literature, art and film. This book discusses figures as diverse as Jesus, the early Christian Desert Fathers, T.E. Lawrence, T.S. Eliot, Georgia O'Keeffe, Wim Wenders and Jim Crace. It makes connections across millennia of desert literature; deepens the reader's understanding of the desert as a real place, as an interior space, and as a textual site; and, concludes with comments on the recent conflicts in Iraq....
The question 'who is my neighbour?' challenges the way we see ourselves as well as the way we see others. Especially in situations where we feel conflicted between our own self-identity and common identity within a wider society. Historically, religion has contributed to this inner conflict by creating 'us versus them' mentalities. Challenging this traditional view, this volume examines how religions and religious communities can use their resources, methodology and praxis to encourage peace-mak...