When Luis de Molina died in Madrid in 1600, he had every reason to believe he was about to be anathametized by Pope Clement VIII. The Protestant Reformation was splitting Europe, tribunals of the Inquisition met regularly in a dozen Spanish cities, and the Pope had launched a commission two years earlier to investigate Molina's writings. Molina was eventually vindicated, though the decision came seven years after his death. In the centuries that followed Molina was relegated to relatively minor...
What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ today? And are Christians really prepared for the answers? In Mere Discipleship, Lee Camp sets forth his vision of what it means to truly follow Christ, challenging Christians to put obedience to Jesus as Lord ahead of allegiances to all earthly authorities-be they nationalistic, political, economic, or cultural. Camp clearly lays out a sound biblical framework of what disciples believe and therefore what they should do. Employing sophisticated yet ac...
The Hero's Journey of the Gay & Lesbian Mormon
by Carol Lynn Pearson
The Christian Faith and Homosexuality (Cutting Edge Booklets)
by David Wright
While the age of the Holy Spirit began with Pentecost, the twentieth century has seen an explosion in the Spirit's work through the remarkable growth of Pentecostalism and the changing face of global Christianity. Despite these surprising developments, and the undeniable significance of the Holy Spirit throughout the life of the church, pneumatology too often remains a subject of misunderstanding and neglect. These essays, gathered from the 2014 Wheaton Theology Conference, provide an ecumenical...
Choix de Cantiques A l'Usage Des Retraites Et Des Missions: Sur Des Airs Connus (Religion)
by Sans Auteur
The Power of Saving Wisdom (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe, #148)
by Cornelis Bennema
Cornelis Bennema elucidates the soteriological function of the Spirit in the Fourth Gospel, and analyzes the interrelationship between John's pneumatology and soteriology along the trajectory of wisdom. As a possible conceptual background for aspects of Johannine pneumatology, he selects the Jewish wisdom tradition and suggests that sapient Judaism understood 'salvation' as an intensification of that work of the Spirit that is already immanent to a person, namely, the mediation of life and wisdo...
What are clergy for? In this lively and provocative book, Alan Billings argues that they serve the mission and ministry of the Church, which is to make God possible (or findable).
This richly written book will enhance your knowledge of the Holy Spirit and inspire you to allow Him to work more and more in your daily life as McGuiggan approaches the subject with warmth, scholarship, and stories of human beings touched by the Eternal Spirit of God. "Wouldn't it be wonderful if we developed a reverent but joyful intimacy with the Person who has existed in eternal, holy, and loving communion with the Father and the Son?" So asks Jim McGuiggan as he invites you to allow the Sp...
Cuaderno de Trabajo de la Teología Sistemática
by Wayne A. Grudem, Brianna Smith, and Erik Thoennes
Religion Und Politik (Beitrage Zur Rationalen Theologie, #22) (Beitraege Zur Rationalen Theologie, #22)
Religion und Politik bilden seit jeher ein spannungsvolles Geflecht wechselseitiger Begrundungs- und Abgrenzungsprozesse. Die in diesem Band versammelten Autoren beleuchten historische und aktuelle Konstellationen dieser Prozesse durch die Verschrankung von systematischen und historischen Perspektiven. So reicht die Spannweite der Beitrage von der Fruhzeit des Christentums uber die Reformation bis hin zu Schelling, Schleiermacher, Troeltsch und Barth, wahrend gleichzeitig aktuelle Debatten u.a....
The Finest of the Wheat Volume 1 (Finest of the Wheat, #1)
by Watchman Nee
Giannozzo Manetti (1396-1459) was a celebrated humanist orator, historian, philosopher, and scholar of the early Renaissance. Son of a wealthy Florentine merchant, he participated actively in the public life of the Florentine republic and embraced the new humanist scholarship of the quattrocento, oriented to the service of the state and the reform of religion. Mastering not only classical Latin but also Greek and Hebrew, he gained access to a whole library of sources previously unknown in the La...
Written for preachers, seminary students, laypersons, teachers, and anyone interested in biblical hermeneutics and Christian theology.