Wie Klingt Reformiert? (Praktische Theologie Im Reformierten Kontext, #11)
The authors of this volume follow the tracks of the darker side of the Reformation and study the relationship with Judaism based on Lutheran theology and on a sense of "dignity of difference" (Jonathan Sacks).To the present day Luther's antisemitic polemics have proved to be a burden to the Lutheran Churches. In the media his writings have not been repelled but rather taken up. That is reason enough for members of the Protestant-Lutheran Churches to break with some of the basics of their own chu...
Heinrich Bullinger, Briefe Von Oktober Bis Dezember 1546 (Heinrich Bullinger Werke, #18)
by Heinrich Bullinger
Like many of her fellow missionaries to China, Pearl Buck found that she was not immune to the influence of her adopted home. In this book Lian Xi tells the story of Buck and two other American missionaries to China in the early twentieth century who gradually came to question, and eventually reject, the evangelical basis of Protestant missions as they developed an appreciation for Chinese religions and culture. Lian Xi uses these stories as windows to understanding the development of a broad th...
Robert Wuthnow and John H. Evans bring together a stellar collection of essays that paints a contemporary portrait of American Protestantism--a denomination that has remained quietly, but firmly, influential in the public sphere. Mainline Protestants may have steered clear of the controversial, attention-grabbing tactics of the Religious Right, but they remain culturally influential and continue to impact American society through political action and the provision of social services. The contri...
Who would have guessed that something as austere as Calvinism would become a hot topic in today's postmodern culture? At the 500th anniversary of John Calvin's birth, new generations have discovered and embraced a "New Calvinism," finding in the Reformed tradition a rich theological vision. In fact, Time cited New Calvinism as one of "10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now." This book provides pastoral and theological counsel, inviting converts to this tradition to find in Calvin a vision that's...
The question of how one can be both Hispanic and Protestant has perplexed Mexican Americans in Texas ever since Anglo-American Protestants began converting their Mexican Catholic neighbours early in the nineteenth century. Mexican-American Protestants have faced the double challenge of being a religious minority within the larger Mexican-American community and a cultural minority within their Protestant denominations. As they have negotiated and sought to reconcile these two worlds over nearly t...
Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band X (Juli 1533 - Dezember 1533) (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions / Martin Bucer: Briefwechsel/Correspondance, 201/10) (Martin Bucer: Briefwechsel/Correspondance)
by Berndt Hamm, Reinhold Friedrich, and Wolfgang Simon
Anders als im Briefwechsel des ersten Halbjahres 1533 begegnen nun internationale Perspektiven: Der Konzilsinitiative Karls V. begegnet Bucer wegen der vom Papst gestellten Vorbedingungen skeptisch. Er verfasst aber eine Furbereytung zum Concilio, die zusammen mit Desiderius Erasmus' entsprechenden Schriften den Weg zur Einheit weisen soll. Auch an den Ereignissen im Reich nimmt Bucer regen Anteil. In Strassburg gelten Bucers Aktivitaten neben der Vorbereitung der Herbstsynode dem Bildungswesen....
Protestant Missionaries in Spain, 1869-1936
by Professor of Politics Kent Eaton
Magda Trocme (1901-1996) was the Italian-born wife of Reverend Andre Trocme (1901-1971), a French pastor deeply involved in the social gospel movement that saw Christianity embedded in progressive political struggles. Together, they worked heroically, and under dangerous circumstances, to prevent the deportation of thousands of people to Nazi concentration camps. Living in the small, mainly Protestant town of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon on the Plateau Vivarais-Lignon in southern France, Magda and And...
Struggle for the Soul of the Postwar South (Working Class in American History)
by Elizabeth Fones-Wolf and Ken Fones-Wolf
In 1946, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) undertook Operation Dixie, an initiative to recruit industrial workers in the American South. Elizabeth and Ken Fones-Wolf plumb rarely used archival sources and rich oral histories to explore the CIO's fraught encounter with the evangelical Protestantism and religious culture of southern whites. The authors' nuanced look at working class religion reveals how laborers across the surprisingly wide evangelical spectrum interpreted their lives...
Atkinson uses Qoheleth's work ethic to provide an analysis of Ecclesiastes, utilising the writings of St Bonaventure and Martin Luther. Reading Ecclesiastes within a penitential framework, Bonaventure offers a version of the contemptus mundi tradition that is rooted in his metaphysics. His commentary is ethically significant for the way he detects the vice of curiousity precipitating a perceptual rupture wherein vanity comes to signify sin and guilt. Luther, on the other hand, interprets Solomon...
When the United Reformed Church was formed in 1972, the Basis of Union referred to certain formulations and declarations which the new Church regarded as constituting its theological heritage. These Declarations of Faith are presented here in one volume. Each statement is given a brief historical introduction with suggestions for further reading. This important work is of interest to all members of the United Reformed Church as well as to students and teachers of history in all Churches.
The Unaccommodated Calvin (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology)
by Richard A. Muller
This title looks at Calvin in his 16th-century context, dealing with the differences of his thought and his predecessors, contemporaries, and successors. The author shows that Calvin's theology evidences the impact of humanist philology, patristics, rhetoric and that of medieval scholastic thought.