Lectionary for Masses with Children. Year B
by Sean McEntee and Michael Breen
Prayer the 100 Most Powerful Prayers for Mindfulness 2 Amazing Bonus Books to Pray for Happiness & Stress
by Toby Peterson
How to Pray to God for Financial Miracles and Blessings
by Moses Omojola
2021 Catholic Media Association Award first place award in backlist beauty Benedictine Daily Prayer provides an everyday edition of the Divine Office for people who desire to pray with the church in a simple manner. Based on fifteen hundred years of liturgical prayer within the Benedictine monastic tradition, Benedictine Daily Prayer offers a rich diet of classic office hymnody, psalmody, and Scripture. This fully revised edition includes: A new organization for the Office of Vigils, structured...
Prayer the 100 Most Powerful Prayers for Survival 2 Amazing Bonus Books to Pray for Harvest & Life Coaching
by Toby Peterson
Prayer the 100 Most Powerful Prayers to Maximize Healing for Your Body, Mind & Spirit
by Toby Peterson
God, grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference. Many of us feel something is missing from our lives. "When we try to fill this empty space in our hearts with something other than God, our lives remain hollow. More than this, we experience an inner discontent that robs us of peace and serenity," explains Trevor Hudson. "I want to suggest that this emptiness within our lives is one of God's most special...
This remarkable book represents the very best of William Phillippe's lifelong stewardship files: materials he has used in four decades of training, talks, and sermons about giving to the church. It includes biblical texts, sermons, sermon ideas, inspiring stories, quotations, and other aids for ministers, lay leaders, and others interested in the many facets of stewardship.