The Japan Christian Year-Book (Volume 43)
by Nihon Kirisutokyo Kyogikai
Many New Testament Greek grammarians assert that the Greek attributive participle and the Greek relative clause are "equivalent." Michael E. Hayes disproves those assertions in An Analysis of the Attributive Participle and the Relative Clause in the Greek New Testament, thoroughly presenting the linguistic categories of restrictivity and nonrestrictivity and analyzing the restrictive/nonrestrictive nature of every attributive participle and relative clause. By employing the Accessibility Hierarc...
Many Monks Across the Sea (Regnum Studies in Mission)
by Steve Cochrane
Studies in Asian Mission History 1956-1998. Studies in Christian Mission
by Arnulf Camps
A Multimedia Literacy Project Toward Biblical Literacy in Bangladesh
by Teresa Chai
Changes in Ethical Worldviews of Spanish Missionaries in Mexico (European Expansion and Indigenous Response, #15)
by Ran Tene
"Conversion" is a basic religious concept, which has manifold implications for our everyday lives. Ran Tene's Changes in Ethical Worldviews of Spanish Missionaries in Mexico utilizes a cross-disciplinary methodology in which the fields of Philosophy, History, and Literary Studies are drawn upon to analyze conversion. He focuses on two moments in Spanish writing about Mexican missions, the early to mid-sixteenth century writings of the Spanish missionaries to Mexico and the early seventeenth cent...
James Hannington, First Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa (Kiraz Theological Archive, #35)
by E. Dawson
This classic account of the missionary life of James Hannington has delighted generations of readers. Written by an enthusiastic exponent of the mission field, this account has stood the test of time to become a recognized icon of the genre. The first Anglican Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa, Hannington was reared in a not untypical English setting, eventually being schooled at Oxford. His remarkable accomplishments and savage martyrdom are narrated with poignancy and empathy. A moving accou...
The Japan Christian Year-Book (Volume 24)
by Nihon Kirisutokyo Kyogikai
The Churches and Ethnic Ideology in the Rwandan Crises 1900-1994 (Regnum Studies in Mission)
by Tharcisse Gatwa
A Critical Edition of Ruths Recompence by Richard Bernard
A Critical Edition of Ruths Recompence by Richard Bernard presents Richard Bernard’s commentary on the book of Ruth, originally published in 1628, to the modern reader. Arlene McAlister’s introduction sets the work in its contemporary context and most significantly elucidates the issue of women’s conduct that arises from the biblical story and challenges Bernard and the preceding early modern Ruth commentators. The introduction details how the commentators have great difficulty in expounding Rut...
The Japan Christian Year Book (V.49 1960)
by Nihon Kirisutokyo Kyogikai