Take a journey with Rabbis Ron Isaacs and Kerry Olitzky to discover the best seder ever! Traditional Hebrew text, accessible transliterations, and modern translations guide families through the story and practice of Pesach. Every part of the seder is introduced with WHY and HOW TO, so everyone can understand and participate. The Discovery Haggadah is great for the classroom, too! 80 full-color pages loaded with games, activities, and interesting facts.
Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan has translated Sefer Yetzirah, the oldest and most mysterious of all kabbalistic texts, and now brings its theoretical, meditative, and magical implications to light. He expounds on the dynamics of the spiritual domain, the worlds of the Sefirot, souls, and angels. When properly understood, Sefer Yetzirah becomes the instruction manual for a very special type of meditation meant to strengthen concentration and to aid the development of telekinetic and telepathic powers.
Anthology of selections that address challenges Jewish teens face today. Focus is on faith, love, dating, intermarriage, and more.
Teaches how best to utilize our tzedakah monies and how to discuss money issues in realistic and productive ways.
A delightfully illustrated storybook for nursery school children that tells of the joys of Shabbat and hakhnasat orhim.
A look into the question of "Why perform mitzvot?" This book traces the various views, from the Biblical to the philosophical. The book also includes a section on the Conservative Movement's viewpoints.
The best-selling songster found in homes throughout the world. Includes Shabbat and Holiday blessings, Z'mirot, Hebrew songs, Grace after Meals, Songs of Israel, Wedding Blessings. Personalized covers are available for your organization or family celebrations. To order personalized B'kol Echad benchers, visit www.haggadahsrus.com.
Guidance for mourners for their observance in the home and synagogue with some thoughts on bereavement.
In this unprecedented masterwork, The Scholar's Haggadah: Ashkenazic, Sephardic, and Oriental Versions, Heinrich Guggenheimer presents the first Haggadah to treat the texts of all Jewish groups on an equal footing and to use their divergences and concurrences as a key to the history of the text and an understanding of its development. The Seder (the ceremony of the Passover night) is one of the most universally celebrated rituals among Jewish families, for what it commemorates-Jewish freedom fr...
Personal Theology (New Perspectives in Post-Rabbinic Judaism)
by William Plevan
This volume seeks to honour Professor Gillman's contributions to Jewish scholarship and education by collecting essays by his colleagues and students that discuss the issues most central to his work, namely Jewish theology, Conservative Judaism and Jewish education.
Passionate Centrism is an important discussion of Positive Historical Judaism and the benefit of holding the center of Judaism-that is, the Conservative Movement. This book is an important resource for clergy and other congregational leaders and is an excellent product for lecture series.
The student workbooks are available in print and the teacher guides as downloadable PDFs, in Hebrew and English. Students who study Torah with Matok: *View Torah as kadosh (a sacred text) and read it in an inquiring, deep, and reverent way. *Are participants in the continuing revelation and uncovering of truth emanating from God. *Learn Torah in the original Hebrew. *Develop literary skills to study the Torah independently. *Engage in critical thinking. *Become sensitive to shades of mean...
Chassidic Dimension, the - Mystical Dimension #3 (Mystical Dimension, #3)
by Jacob Immanuel Schochet
Louis Finkelstein and the Conservative Movement (Studies in the History of Judaism) (Academic Studies in the History of Judaism)
by Michael B Greenbaum