Reading Maimonides' Mishneh Torah (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)
by David Gillis
In this highly original study, David Gillis demonstrates that the Mishneh torah, Maimonides' code of Jewish law, has the structure of a microcosm. Through this symbolic form, Maimonides presents the law as designed to perfect the individual and society by shaping them in the image of the divinely created cosmic order. The commandments of the law thereby bring human beings closer to fulfilling their ultimate purpose, knowledge of God. This symbolism turns the Mishneh torah into an object of conte...
[Set The Jerusalem Talmud cplt.] (Studia Judaica)
The 17 volumes of the Jerusalem Talmud, established on the basis of the editio princeps and existing manuscripts, were published within the series Studia Judaica between 1999 and 2015. The text presents the first English scholarly translation and commentary of the Jerusalem Talmud. For the first time, the complete edition is published in paperback, each volume is also separately available as paperback. Set price: US$ 290.00 / €255.00 / ₤ 232.00.
Tractates Sanhedrin, Makkot, and Horaiot (Studia Judaica) (Studia Judaica - Berlin)
Volume 12 in the edition of the complete Jerusalem Talmud. Tractates Sanhedrin and Makkot belong together as one tractate, covering procedural law for panels of arbitration, communal rabbinic courts (in bare outline) and an elaborate construction of hypothetical criminal courts supposedly independent of the king’s administration. Tractate Horaiot, an elaboration of Lev. 4:1–26, defines the roles of High Priest, rabbinate, and prince in a Commonwealth strictly following biblical rules.
Die Synagogale Poesie Des Mittelalters (Classic Reprint)
by Leopold Zunz
Jewish Theology Systematically and Historically Considered [microform]
by Kaufmann 1843-1926 Kohler
Resurrection and the Restoration of Israel
by Professor Jon D Levenson
Das Buch bringt religioese Konflikte in der galizischen Literatur zur Darstellung. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Analyse von literarischen Werken, die zwischen 1848 und 1914 entstanden, als Galizien noch "oesterreichisch" und durch eine grosse ethnisch-konfessionelle Vielfalt gepragt war. Zugleich stellt die Studie den Versuch dar, die literarische Deutung konfessioneller Beziehungen zwischen der roemisch-katholischen, griechisch-katholischen und judischen Bevoelkerung in Galizien unter Be...
Many of the stories included in this book may be considered treasures that have yet to be presented to the Jewish and general public. Some versions of these tales have been published in different anthologies and languages over the years, but most are basically unknown. The author includes stories from varied oral and written sources, mainly Czech, Slovak, German, some Yiddish, as well as Polish and Hungarian. "Storytelling," says Nagarajan, "is perhaps the only tool that creates a path leading t...
Morgenröte Im Ausgang; Von Den Drei Prinzipien; Vom Dreifachen Leben (Classic Reprint)
by Jakob Bohme
Jacques Doukhan asks, "After two-thousand years of sad history and after the Holocaust, is Jewish-Christian reconciliation still possible?" He offers answers to this and other questions that will challenge the received wisdom and break new ground in this millennia-old conflict.
Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office
by Ernst Windisch and Julius Eggeling
In Those Days, at This Time: Holiness and History in the Jewish Calendar
by Eliezer Segal