A clear and authoritative introduction to the different traditions of meditation by a world-renowned authority in the field. Meditation is an extraordinarily powerful tool for physical and mental relaxation as well as for personal and spiritual growth. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and today it continues to have serious relevance for an ever-increasing number of people. The Meditator's Handbook is for novice and advanced practitioners alike. It describes the theory and p...
Ancestors, Kings, and the Dao (Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph)
by Constance A. Cook
Ancestors, Kings, and the Dao outlines the evolution of musical performance in early China, first within and then ultimately away from the socio-religious context of ancestor worship. Examining newly discovered bamboo texts from the Warring States period, Constance A. Cook compares the rhetoric of Western Zhou (1046-771 BCE) and Spring and Autumn (770-481 BCE) bronze inscriptions with later occurrences of similar terms in which ritual music began to be used as a form of self-cultivation and educ...
Meditations on Yoga by Osho (Osho Meditations)
by Osho Rajneesh and Osho
Refiguring the Body
Highly respected by thousands of students throughout the world, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was one of the foremost poets, scholars, philosophers, and meditation masters of our time. Here he speaks frankly, drawing on his own life experience. Condensing the compassionate path to Buddhahood into practical instructions that use the circumstances of everyday life, Rinpoche presents the Seven-Point Mind Training—the very core of the entire Tibetan Buddhist practice.
Beliefnet Guide to Islam (Beliefnet Guides)
by Hesham A Hassaballa and Kabir Helminski, PhD
Mystische Elemente Aus West Und Ost Im Werk Hermann Hesses (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #1217)
by Kyung Yang Cheong
Von den Einflussen der mystischen Stromungen aus West und Ost auf Hermann Hesse sind die mystischen Elemente seiner Gedanken und literarischen Werke gepragt. Auf der Grundlage seiner mystischen Religiositat gelangt Hesse zur Synthese der Religionen und zur Vorstellung von der Einheit der Menschheit. Durch die dichterische Gestaltung der mystischen Figuren und der Selbstverwirklichung der Hauptfiguren sowie der Aufhebung von Zeit und Raum stellt Hesse seine mystische Idee dar. In seiner mittleren...
This lively introduction offers a complete overview of the main Asian religions, their traditions and contemporary relevance, and how they are lived and practiced today. * Provides readers with an all-embracing introduction to Asian religions, covering each of the main traditions in a style that is lively and distinctive * Focuses on Asian religions as lived and practiced by real people, leading readers to a deeper understanding of Asian spiritualities and traditions, and their contemporary rele...
Images in Asian Religions (Asian Religions and Society)
This collection offers a challenge to any simple understanding ofthe role of images by looking at aspects of the reception of imageworship that have only begun to be studied, including the manyhesitations that Asian religious traditions expressed about imageworship. Written by eminent scholars of anthropology, art history, andreligion with interests in different regions (India, China, Japan, andSoutheast Asia), this volume takes a fresh look at the many ways inwhich images were defined and recei...
"Ocak" Und "Dedelik" (Heidelberger Studien Zur Geschichte Und Kultur Des Modernen, #36)
Ziel dieses Bandes ist es, einen Einblick in die traditionellen Institutionen des Alevitentums zu geben und insbesondere deren Veranderungen im 20. Jahrhundert zu thematisieren. Die Aleviten bilden eine Religionsgemeinschaft, die sich in ihrer Grundungserzahlung auf die fruhislamische Geschichte, d. h. die Leidensgeschichte der unmittelbaren Nachkommen des Propheten Mohammed und in ihrer Praxis auf die islamische Mystik bezieht. In seiner heutigen Form hat sich das Alevitentum in Anatolien zwisc...
Religion in Japanese Culture
Chinese Face And Hand Reading (Chinese Popular Classics)
by Joanne O'Brien
This is an introduction to the popular Chinese tradition of hand and face reading. Known in China as physiognomy, it dates back thousands of years and is a step-by-step guide to understanding yourself through the lines, shapes and features of your hands and face. These clearly reveal details of your personality, family and romantic life, and career potential, as well as offering insights into your past, present and future good fortune.
The Religion of Japan's Korean Minority (Korean Research Monograph, #9)
by Helen Hardacre