Religion in many parts of the world, in both politics and personal life, for good or ill, is now exerting a greater influence than at any time in living memory. There is now not merely a cultural-religious confrontation between a worldwide Islam and what it sees as an affluent agnostic West, but the worrying rise of Christian fundamentalism in the most powerful nation on earth. And the latter has its distinctive political agenda. Part of this agenda entails a biased approach to the Israeli-Pale...
Olet juuri loytanyt kirjallisen mestariteoksen, joka vastaa kysymyksiisi Jumalasta, elamasta asutussa maailmankaikkeudessa, taman maailman historiasta ja tulevaisuudesta seka Jeesuksen elamasta. Urantia-kirja harmonisoi historian, tieteen ja uskonnon elamanfilosofiaksi, joka tuo uutta merkitysta ja toivoa elamaasi. Jos etsit vastauksia, lue Urantia-kirja. Maailma tarvitsee uutta hengellista totuutta, joka avaa nykyihmiselle alyllisen tien henkilokohtaiseen jumalasuhteeseen. Maailman uskonnollise...
Between Philology and Radical Enlightenment (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, #203)
Hermann Samuel Reimarus (1694-1768) was the most significant biblical critic in eighteenth-century Germany, as well as an eminent Enlightenment philosopher, a renowned classicist and expert on Judaism. How do the different strands of his scholarship fit together? Is there a direct way from critical philology to Radical Enlightenment? This volume portrays the 'whole' Reimarus and shows how exegetical expertise, philosophical reflection, and antiquarian interests came together in the formation of...
The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs
by William Morris
Despite the recent ferocious public debate about belief, the concept most central to the discussion--God--frequently remains vaguely and obscurely described. Are those engaged in these arguments even talking about the same thing? In a wide-ranging response to this confusion, esteemed scholar David Bentley Hart pursues a clarification of how the word "God" functions in the world's great theistic faiths. Ranging broadly across Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Vedantic and Bhaktic Hinduism, Sikhism, a...
L'Impiete Des Deistes, Et Des Plus Subtils Libertins Decouverte, Et Refutee Par Raisons de Theologie, Et de Philosophie
by Marin Mersenne
God, who has changed the lives--and deaths--of men and women, has in turn changed His face and His meaning several times over since His birth three thousand years ago. He may have kept the same name throughout, but God has been addressed in many different ways and cannot be said to have the same characteristics in the year 500 bc as in 400 ad or in the twenty-first century, nor is He the same entity in Jerusalem or Constantinople as in Rome or New York. The omnipotent and punitive God of the Heb...
A Powerful Breakthrough Prayer to Take Back Everything the Enemy Has Stolen
by Jason Kamsi