Common Goods (Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquia)
by Catherine Keller and Elias Ortega-Aponte
In the face of globalized ecological and economic crises, how do religion, the postsecular, and political theology reconfigure political theory and practice? As the planet warms and the chasm widens between the 1 percent and the global 99, what thinking may yet energize new alliances between religious and irreligious constituencies? This book brings together political theorists, philosophers, theologians, and scholars of religion to open discursive and material spaces in which to shape a vibrant...
Parallelen zwischen judischem und christlichem Festkalender
by Roberto Garcia
Religion Und Politik (Beitrage Zur Rationalen Theologie, #22) (Beitraege Zur Rationalen Theologie, #22)
Religion und Politik bilden seit jeher ein spannungsvolles Geflecht wechselseitiger Begrundungs- und Abgrenzungsprozesse. Die in diesem Band versammelten Autoren beleuchten historische und aktuelle Konstellationen dieser Prozesse durch die Verschrankung von systematischen und historischen Perspektiven. So reicht die Spannweite der Beitrage von der Fruhzeit des Christentums uber die Reformation bis hin zu Schelling, Schleiermacher, Troeltsch und Barth, wahrend gleichzeitig aktuelle Debatten u.a....
The Jewish Torah Is Not The Word of God (When You Read This Book You Will Know, #4)
by I D Campbell
Orpheus, a General History of Religions - Primary Source Edition
by Salomon Reinach and Florence Simmonds
When you look in the mirror, do you see a Goddess? For anyone who's experienced a "fat day" or wished a doctor could make them younger, Wiccan Dianne Sylvan speaks candidly about overcoming body hatred and offers a spiritual path back to Divine femininity. Sharing her own struggles with poor body image and self-acceptance, Sylvan explores how the impossible standard of female beauty has developed and endured. Emphasizing the Mother, the Healer, the Lover, and other archetypes of one's relationsh...
The Political Economy of Indo-European Polytheism (Contributions to Economics)
by Mario Ferrero
This book sheds new light on the evolution and transformation of polytheistic religions. By applying economic models to the study of religious history and by viewing religious events as the result of rational choices under given environmental constraints, it offers a political economy perspective for the study of Indo-European polytheism. The book formally models the rivalry or competition among multiple gods in a polytheistic system and the monotheistic solution to this competition. Presenting...
Religious Pluralism and Unbelief
The contributors examine religious pluralism from many angles, including those of sociology, anthropology, law, history and philosophy, as well as religious studies and theology. Its implications for political co-existence are also traced.
Contemporary Paganism has been a growing segment of American religiosity for over forty years and is composed of a variety of groups, practices, and ideologies. Asatru (Asatru), a movement that seeks to revive the practice of pre-Christian Norse religion, remains one of the least studied of these Pagan movements despite its growing prominence in the Pagan community. Being Viking provides a rigorous ethnographic account of the Asatru religion in America, also known as Heathenry or Heathenism. Ar...
Martyrdom (Heritage and Memory Studies, #11)
The phenomenon of martyrdom is more than 2000 years old but, as contemporary events show, still very much alive. Martyrdom: Canonisation, Contestation and Afterlives examines the canonisation, contestation and afterlives of martyrdom and connects these with cross-cultural acts and practices of remembrance. Martyrdom appeals to the imagination of many because it is a highly ambiguous spectacle with thrilling deadly consequences. Imagination is thus a vital catalyst for martyrdom, for martyrs beco...
Die Stellung der Jesusbewegung im Rahmen der fruhjudischen Religionsgruppen
by Thomas Schmitt
God in the World
by Professor of Religion Jacob Neusner and Bruce D. Chilton
Like a mighty army moves the church of God; Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod. We are not divided, all one body we. One in hope and doctrine, one in charity. -- From the nineteenth-century hymn "Onward, Christian Soldiers" What keeps America a country of religious practice and traditional values? How has the U.S. avoided suc-cumbing to total secularism? The answer to these provocative questions is found in the religious commun-ities of America today: In the past t...
Connect Access Card for Scriptures of the World's Religions
by James Fieser and Professor of Religious Studies John Powers
Psalms and Liturgy (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament) (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)
by Dirk J Human, Dr.