Women Preachers and Prophets through Two Millennia of Christianity
For nearly two millenia, despite repeated prohibitions, Christian women have preached. Some have preached in official settings; others have found alternative routes for expression. Prophecy, teaching, writing and song have all filled a broad definition of preaching. This anthology, with essays by an international group of scholars from several disciplines, investigates the diverse voices of Christian women who claimed the authority to preach and prophesy. The contributors examine the centuries o...
La Question Romaine (2e Ed. Francaise, Revue Et Corrigee Avec Une Nouvelle Preface de l'Auteur) (Religion)
by Edmond About
The Elements of Celtic Christianity (Elements of ...) (Elements of ... S.)
by Anthony D. Duncan
This text provides an examination of Celtic Christianity, a religion which flourished in Britain during the Dark ages, and which, in its profound respect for the dignity and sanctity of nature, had far more in common with Buddhism than with the later institutional Christianity of the West. The author describes the essence of the Celtic spirit, and how it manifests itself in Celtic Christianity's reverence for the earth, creatures, sea and sky - an aspect which has parallels with the Native Ameri...
This book studies the development of a pattern of education for ministry within nineteenth-century English evangelical Nonconformity. This development played a major role in the emergence of discussions on the nature of ministry while also influencing thought on religious authority, theological reconstruction, and religious identity. Johnson argues that too many interpretations of this facet of Nonconformity's history (especially those concerning the Congregationalist, Baptist, Methodist, and Pr...
Christologische Schriftargumentation Und Bildersprache (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, #26)
by Grunbeck
Mysterion Und Wahrheit (Arbeiten Zur Geschichte Des Antiken Judentums Und Des Urchri)
by Bohlig
Esclaircissement de Quelques Objections Formees Contre Le Livre de la Grandeur de l'Eglise Romaine (Religion)
by de Barcos-M
Christian Churches in Recent Times (Church in History)
by Roy Arthur Suelflow
"Brilliantly provocative. . . . [A] masterful account."-Grant Wacker, Christian Century The emergence of Methodism was arguably the most significant transformation of Protestant Christianity since the Reformation. This book explores the rise of Methodism from its unpromising origins as a religious society within the Church of England in the 1730s to a major international religious movement by the 1880s. During that period Methodism refashioned the old denominational order in the British Isles, b...
Examen Abrege de Quelques Erreurs de l'Eglise Romaine, Offert Aux Habitants de Gaillac (Tarn) (Religion)
by Morache-J-J-A
A Strange Freedom
by Howard Thurman, Walter E. Fluker, and Catherine Tumber
A spiritual advisor to Martin Luther King, Jr.; the first black dean at a white university; cofounder of the first interracially pastored, intercultural church in the United States, Howard Thurman offered a transcendent vision of our world. This lyrical collection of select published and unpublished works traces his struggle with the particular manifestations of violence and hatred that mark the twentieth century. His words remind us all that out of religious faith emerges social responsibility...
Father Nicholas Postgate and the Catholic Struggle
by Christopher Lyth
Lettres de Mgr Guillemin, Sur l'Erection de la Chapelle de S. Francois Xavier Dans l'Ile de Sancian (Savoirs Et Traditions)
by Guillemin-Z
The English Revisers' Greek Text Shown To Be Unauthorized
by G W Samson
For nearly thirty years, James M. Kittelson's Luther the Reformer has been the standard biography of Martin Luther. Like Roland Bainton's biography of the generation before, Kittelson's volume is the one known by thousands of students, pastors, and interested readers as the biography that gave them the details of this dramatic man and his history. The accolades were well deserved. Fair, insightful, and detailed without being overwhelming, Kittelson was able to negotiate a "middle way" between th...