Marcia Ford presents a zesty guide to the essential books, ideas, and spiritual insights from today and yesterday that she thinks all postmoderns and moderns should know about. She takes readers on a literary romp through two millennia of spiritual writings that will enhance and encourage personal transformation.
Kuriakose Valavanolickal presents here in two volumes the first English translation of the twenty-three Demonstrations by Aphrahat, the fourth century Persian Sage, who is one of the earliest authors of the Syriac tradition.
Drei wenig beachtete Cyprianische Schirften und die "Acta Pauli" (Analecta Gorgiana, #555)
by Adolf Harnack
The relations of three pseudepigrapha of Cyprian and the Acts of Paul; an elegant piece of reasoning.
Ambrose of Milan's on the Holy Spirit (Gorgias Studies in Early Christianity and Patristics, #71)
by Andrew Selby
Designed for students of all ages, Exploring Catholic Literature: A Companion and Resource Guide provides an engaging and succinct introduction to twelve recognized masterpieces of Catholic literature, from Augustine's 4th century conversion narrative, The Confessions, to the recent poetry of Denise Levertov collected in The Stream and the Sapphire. Each chapter contains a brief biography of the author, an extended critical essay highlighting the work's Catholic and literary aspects, suggestions...
Catholicism and American Borders in the Gothic Literary Imagination
by Farrell O'Gorman
In Catholicism and American Borders in the Gothic Literary Imagination, Farrell O'Gorman presents the first study of the recurrent role of Catholicism in a Gothic tradition that is essential to the literature of the United States. In this tradition, Catholicism is depicted as threatening to break down borders separating American citizens-or some representative American-from a larger world beyond. While earlier studies of Catholicism in the American literary imagination have tended to highlight t...
Paul Kruger discusses the influence of the "rain prayer" of Ephrem by tracing its use throughout several stages in the development of the Syriac liturgical traditions.
Music Notes from Croydon Minster
by Professor of Religious Studies David Morgan
"Rejoice, readers, as you receive the generosity of Luci Shaw's 76 new grace-infused parable poems. Autobiography once more merges with theology as these poems illuminate in splendored natural detail how the seasons of creation parallel and explain the seasons of her life as a poet. Again and again, these poems shower us with glorious epiphanies from the natural world as it reflects God's generosity at work such as "spring's impossible news of green." These poems confirm that in poetry as in...