Church History, Volume One: From Christ to the Pre-Reformation
by Everett Ferguson
Church History, Volume One offers a unique contextual view of how the Christian church spread and grew from its development in the days of Jesus to the years leading up to the Reformation. Looking closely at the integral link between the history of the world and that of the church, Church History paints a portrait of God's people within its setting of times, cultures, and events that both influenced and were influenced by the church. FEATURES:Maps, charts, and illustrations spanning the time...
A Preface to Paradise Lost provides an interpretation of Milton's purpose in writing the epic.
Josephus as an Historical Source in Patristic Literature Through Eusebius
by Michael, E. Hardwick
Robert G. Hunter maintains that the impact of the Protestant Reformation on the Elizabethan mind was in great part responsible for the emergence of the outstanding tragedies of the age. Luther and Calvin caused men to ask how God can be just if man is not free, and Shakespeare's greatest tragedies confront the vexing problems posed by these altered conceptions of man's freedom of will and God's providential control of natural circumstance. Shakespeare's audiences were not single-minded. He wro...
"The Confessions", "Proslogion", and "Consolation of Philosophy", like the "Divine Comedy", all enact Platonist ascents. Each has a pilgrim figure, guided dialogically on a journey of understanding. Each rises to progressively higher levels of understanding and culminates in a supreme intellectual vision. The higher levels contain and surpass earlier understandings and thereby reconfigure them, but implicitly, for the questing pilgrim rarely stops to reflect on the stages of his ascent. Augustin...
Here, gathered for the first time, is a collection of Loveday Alexander's critically acclaimed essays on the "Acts of the Apostles". In this collection of essays, Alexander addresses the central question 'What kind of book is "Acts"?' She approaches the text of "Acts" with a finely-tuned sense of the complexities of the conventional codes that governed reading and writing in the classical world, and argues that the differences between New Testament texts and contemporary writings in the Graeco-R...
Clemens August Graf Von Galen (Giessener Arbeiten Zur Neueren Deutschen Literatur Und Litera, #31)
by Marcin Golaszewski
Die Untersuchung unterzieht die Predigten und Hirtenbriefe Kardinal Clemens August Graf von Galens einer sprachlich-rhetorischen Analyse und beantwortet auf Grund dieser Analyse die Frage nach seinem Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus. Kernpunkt der Arbeit ist nicht der biographische Blick auf die Persoenlichkeit von Galens, sondern die Analyse seiner Texte. Auf diese Art werden neue Erkenntnisse uber den Umgang eines Kirchenvertreters mit der nationalsozialistischen Diktatur gewonnen. Die...
Das Jahr 70 nach Christus kann als der Zeitpunkt eines deutlichen Bruches in der historischen und religiosen Entwicklung des Judentums und des judischen Volkes gelten. Die Reflexion uber die Zerstorung des Tempelheiligtums geht letzlich bis heute - in judischen wie in christlichen Kreisen - weiter. Einen breiten Raum nahm denn auch die Besinnung uber dieses Ereignis in der mittelalterlichen, speziell auch in der mittelniederlandischen, Literatur ein. Besonders das -Epos- von der -Wrake van iheru...
Diese Untersuchung beschaftigt sich mit den Bedingungen der Moeglichkeit sinnvoller religioeser Rede auf dem Hintergrund der UEberlegungen Wittgensteins. Scheinen zunachst - dem eindimensionalen Sprachparadigma seiner Fruhphilosophie entsprechend - keine solchen Bedingungen benennbar, so ergeben sich durch das mehrdimensionale Sprachparadigma der Spatphilosophie ganz neue Moeglichkeiten. Jetzt sind nicht nur die Bedingungen der Moeglichkeit sinnvollen religioesen Redens auf neue Weise wieder geg...
Saint Marks invokes and pluralizes the figure of Mark in order to explore relations between painting and writing. Emphasizing that the saint is not a singular biographical individual in the various biblical and hagiographic texts that involve someone so named, the book takes as its ultimate concern the kinds of material life that outlive the human subject. From the incommensurate, anachronic instances in which Saint Mark can be located—among them, as Evangelist or as patron saint of Venice—the b...
Easter Egg Coloring Book For Teens & Adults For Fun And Relaxation
by Mary's Manuscripts