Thru the Bible Vol. 08: The Law (Numbers) (Thru the Bible, #8)
by Dr J Vernon McGee
Thru the Bible Vol. 09: The Law (Deuteronomy) (Thru the Bible, #9)
by Dr J Vernon McGee
The Message of Joshua (Bible Speaks Today, AVAILABLE)
by David G Firth
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy (Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary)
by Roy Gane, R. Dennis Cole, Eugene Carpenter, and Bruce Wells
An image rich, passage-by-passage commentary that integrates textual and artifactual context from the ancient Near East to inform our understanding and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible—while remaining respectful to the inerrancy of Scripture. Without a deep knowledge of the ancient cultures the Old Testament was born from, we can be tempted to impose our own culture on the text, potentially distorting it. This unique Bible backgrounds commentary examines:The history of the ancient Near East...
How might premodern exegesis of Genesis inform Christian debates about creation today? Imagine a table with three people in dialogue: a young-earth creationist, an old-earth creationist, and an evolutionary creationist. Into the room walks Augustine of Hippo, one of the most significant theologians in the history of the church. In what ways will his reading of Scripture and his doctrine of creation inform, deepen, and shape the conversation? Pastor and theologian Gavin Ortlund explores just such...
Did Moses write about Jesus? Jesus himself made this bold claim (recorded in John 5:46). Yet while most readers of the Bible today recognize a few Messianic prophecies in the Pentateuch, they don't often see them as part of its central message. In The Messianic Vision of the Pentateuch, Kevin Chen challenges the common view of the Pentateuch as focused primarily on the Mosaic Law, arguing instead that it sets forth a coherent, sweeping vision of the Messiah as the center of its theological messa...
The Preacher's Commentary - Vol. 03: Leviticus (The Preacher's Commentary)
by Gary W. Demarest
Written BY Preachers and Teachers FOR Preachers and Teachers The Preacher's Commentary offers pastors, teachers, and Bible study leaders clear and compelling insights into the Bible that will equip them to understand, apply, and teach the truth in God's Word. Each volume is written by one of today's top scholars, and includes:Innovative ideas for preaching and teaching God's WordVibrant paragraph-by-paragraph expositionImpelling real-life illustrationsInsightful and relevant contemporary appli...
Four Views on the Historical Adam (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)
Were the biblical Adam and Eve historical figures, or are the early events described in Genesis primarily symbolic in nature? Behind the debate of a historical Adam is the age-old debate about evolution and the agreement between Scripture and science. With an introduction that outlines the history and main points of every viewpoint from Darwinism to Young Earth Creationism, this book then clearly outlines four primary views on Adam held by evangelical Christians. Contributors include Denis O...
The Book of Numbers (New International Commentary on the Old Testament)
by Timothy R. Ashley
This inspiring exposition goes back to the beginning. The early chapters of Genesis proclaim the origin of the world, and of human life on earth. David Atkinson applies what he finds here to the issues that face us at the beginning of a new millennium. The first eleven chapters of Genesis, he argues, are an overture to the rest of the Bible. They evoke wonder as God is portrayed in his creative power and beauty. They reveal his loving mercy and salvation even in his terrible judgment of those wh...
Thru the Bible Vol. 08: The Law (Numbers) (Thru the Bible)
by J. Vernon McGee
The Preacher's Commentary - Vol. 03: Leviticus (Preacher's Commentary, #3)
by Dr Gary W Demarest
Holidays today are often established by legislation, and calendars are published on paper and smart phones. But how were holidays chosen and taught in biblical Israel? And what might these holidays have to do with the creation narrative? In this book, Michael LeFebvre considers the calendars of the Pentateuch with their basis in the heavenly lights and the land's agricultural cadences. He argues that dates were added to Old Testament narratives not as journalistic details but to teach sacred rhy...