Les Saints Evangiles de Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ. Traduit Du Grec. Tome 1
by Collectif
Luke's Gospel from Scratch (The Bible from Scratch)
by Donald L. Griggs and Paul W. Walaskay
Building on the foundation of the popular volumes The Bible from Scratch: The Old Testament for Beginners and The New Testament for Beginners, Griggs offers a series of volumes based on the individual books of the Bible. A leader's guide and a participant section are included for each book.This new addition to the series looks at the Gospel of Luke, perhaps the most popular Gospel with its stories of the birth of Jesus, the boy Jesus conversing in the Temple, the good Samaritan, the prodigal son...
Here is the first comprehensive, balanced account of historical Jesus studies. Beginning with brief discussions of the early days of historical research into the person of Jesus and the methods developed by researchers at the time, Mark Allen Powell offers insightful overviews of some of the most important participants in the contemporary Jesus quests.
Sightings Of Jesus (Things That Your Preacher Forgot to Tell You!, #3)
by Ron McRay
Finding Jesus Christ In The Gospel Of John Part Two
by S D Wonenberg
Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ; Or, a Plain and Profitable Discourse on John VI. 37. ...
by John Bunyan
In Images of Judaism in Luke-Acts, Joseph B. Tyson addresses the ways in which Jewish people and religious customs are presented in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. These texts present a wealth of material about Jewish institutions and practices. But these images of Jews and Judaism were shaped by theological and historical concerns of communities that increasingly saw themselves as separate from the Jewish synagogues. Probing questions about the roots of modern anti-Semitism in...
How should we understand the Christ of the New Testament? What is the biblical framework that theologians and students must master if their systematic Christology is to be rooted in Scripture? In this book, Frank Matera answers these questions through a comprehensive study of the Christology found in the New Testament.
John had been there. With Jesus when he went among the people and loved them. And John could still hear the words: I am the light of the world...I am the door...I am the way, the truth, the life... So, when John wrote his account of Jesus' life, he wrote so that others may believe and have life in Jesus' name. Join beloved author Max Lucado as he opens John's Gospel to see through John's eyes this saving Son of Man. As you read, study, journal, and discuss the book of John, watch for these key...
As you read the book of Acts, you may wonder: are these the same disciples I read about in the gospels? The ones who doubted in Galilee and ran for their lives in Gethsemane? The answer is: no. They are different. The Spirit dwells within them. And what God did for them, he longs to do for you. Join beloved author Max Lucado as he walks the roads of Acts—the amazing account of God's active Spirit among his servants and Christ's Church spreading to the world. As you read, study, journal, and dis...