This commentary interprets Daniel 1-6 against the background of a group of Diaspora Judaeans who desire to succeed in the court of a foreign king despite the dangers inherent in the attempt, and Daniel 7-12 against the backdrop of that same group in Jerusalem during the days of Antiochus Epiphanes. The eschatological narratives (Daniel 7-12) deal with four themes of apocalyptic rhetoric: time, destiny, suffering/evil, and authority. With respect to time, the commentary emphasizes that Daniel is...
'It's a big book, full of big stories with big characters. They have big ideas (not least about themselves) and make big mistakes. It's about God, and greed, and grace; about life, lust, laughter and loneliness. It's about birth, beginnings and betrayal; about siblings, squabbles and sex; about power and prayer and prison and passion ...And that's only Genesis.' Tom Wright unpacks the contents of the Bible and explains the meaning of its inspiration, impact and authority. A book for all who ar...
Life and Ministry of Jesus, According to the Critical Method
by Rudolph Otto
Title Large Print Catholic Bible Word Search Fun Book 1 (Large Print Bible Word Search Books, #1)
by Job Wocoski
Die Pastoralbriefe und das Vermachtnis des Paulus (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, #476)
by Jens Herzer
Der Band versammelt Aufsatze von Jens Herzer, die in den letzten 20 Jahren im Zuge der Kommentierungsarbeit an den Pastoralbriefen entstanden sind. Sie behandeln neben forschungsgeschichtlichen Problemstellungen insbesondere die Frage der Relation zum Corpus Paulinum bzw. zur Paulustradition. Daruber hinaus wird anhand von Studien zu sprachlichen, inhaltlichen und historischen Aspekten aufgezeigt, dass das seit dem 19. Jh. etablierte Paradigma eines pseudonymen literarischen Corpus Pastorale nic...
The Mandate of the Church in the Apocalypse of John (Studies in Biblical Literature, #77)
by Olutola K. Peters
Bible Word Search Extra Large Print Volume 7 (Bible Word Search Puzzles for Adults Jumbo Print Butterfly E, #7)
by T W Pope
This important study brings to the attention of Christian and Jewish scholars long-neglected historical background regarding the timetable and events of Passion Week. The study concentrates on critical matters of that week, and documents unexpected identities of dramatis personae, including the Beloved Disciple. The work also authoritatively discusses the restrictions placed by the administration of the perimeter city gates on the movements on all Jews in Jerusalem, including Jesus and his follo...
Atonement and Ethics in 1 John (Library of New Testament Studies, #654)
by Christopher Armitage
Christopher Armitage considers previous theological perception of 1 John as a text advocating that God abhors violence, contrasted with biblical scholarship analysis that focuses upon the text's birth from hostile theological conflict between 'insiders' and 'outsiders', with immensely hostile rhetoric directed towards 'antichrists' and those who have left the community. Armitage argues that a peace-oriented reading of 1 John is still viable, but questions if the commandment that the community lo...