Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical and Post-Biblical Antiquity
by Edwin M. Yamauchi and Marvin R Wilson
"Find a new perspective on the spiritual life by taking a fresh look at the beatitudes"--Provided by publisher.
Chiasmus in the Pauline Letters (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement S., No. 111.)
by I.H. Thomson
Memory, Memorization, and Memorizers (Biblical Performance Criticism, #15)
by Marcel Jousse
New Muslims in the European Context: The Experience of Scandinavian Converts. Muslim Minorities, Volume 4
by Anne Sofie Roald
There is no denying the importance of Jesus Christ in the history of humankind. He has walked through the last two thousand years of history, of empires, governments, political systems and philosophies and has remained as a dominant, challenging, yet mysterious presence. In "The Life", J.John and Chris Walley achieve an uncommon blend - a serious book for popular use and a popular book for serious reading. If you want to know who Jesus Christ is, then read "The Life" and be rewarded.
Dissertation Preliminaire Ou Prolegomenes Sur La Bible. Tome 2 (Religion)
by Du Pin-L E
After a review of scholarly work on the speeches in Acts, particularly Paul's Pisidian Antioch speech, Morgan-Wynne sets Paul's speech in the context of the first missionary journey and the rest of Luke-Acts. In this book he analyzes the structure of the speech, asks whether Luke used sources for the speech, and examines the main theological themes, including the characterization of God and Jesus, the use of the OT, the place of Israel, and the portrait of Paul that emerges. Finally, the author...
Mary: The Complete Resource
To understand the cult of the Virgin Mary is to understand the Christian relgion. The Virgin Mary is a ubiquitous but enigmatic presence in Christian history and culture. The tradition about Mary forms a vast and multi-layered aspect of Western history, culture and spirituality. It is not just in the Catholic tradition that Mary has become a particular focus of study and interest. Mary has also become a crucial interest for Christians outside this tradition (Protestant, Anglican) as a path to e...
Bible Word Search Celebrating God's Creation Volume 43 (Bible Word Find Dog Lover's Edition, #43)
by T W Pope
Leslie Houlden explores the distinctive theology which guided each evangelist in creating his gospel. He then looks at the way Christian doctrine relates to the vision of each of the gospel writers and shows that they are in fact based only on a small part of the gospels themselves. This approach brings life into the rather abstract study of doctrine, and has astonishing and original implications of relevance to all Christians.
Many of us know the Lord's Prayer so well that we take it for granted, and can even find ourselves saying the words without thinking. In doing so, we undervalue this masterpiece of sprituality, which in less than 60 words gets to the heart of the message of Jesus. Although a prayer in its own right, the Lord's Prayer also serves as a pattern oand framework for our praying, and a way of exploring the very nature of prayer itself. This book aims to help readers to see it in a new light, and then p...
The book of Hebrews presents Jesus as gloriously divine, wonderfully human, and the fulfilment of the Old Testament. It is also one of God's greatest gifts to his church as it provides an expository look at the person, life, covenant, sacrifice, and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is indeed greater than all others. This 12-lesson Bible study guide on the book of Hebrews provides a unique and welcoming opportunity to immerse yourself in God's precious Word as expressed in The Passion Tran...