Men of the Bible (God's Word for the Biblically-Inept)
by D Larry Miller
My Catholic Bible - Our Lady of Guadalupe
by Rev. Victor Hoagland and Victor Hoagland
Going to Hell, Getting Saved, and What Jesus Actually Says
by Rick Matthew Morley
In this strikingly original book, published to mark the fifth centenary of Teresa of Avila's birth, Dr Peter Tyler takes the writings of the sixteenth-century Spanish reformer and brings them into dialogue with some of the foremost thinkers who have shaped our contemporary notion of self. Starting with Freud and Kant, Tyler shows how the post-modern deconstruction of the self has allowed new possibilities for the spiritual to emerge once again as a vital force in our self-understanding. Key psyc...
David (Studies on Personalities of the Old Testament)
by Marti J Steussy
This is a thoughtful examination of one the Old Testament's central human figures. Marti J. Steussy provides a critical approach to the man who receives more attention from the Old Testament's writers than any other human character. This volume explores the ""Hebrew Bible""'s three major portraits of David - found in 1 and 2 ""Samuel"", 1 ""Chronicles"", and ""Psalms"" - and what each implies about the relation between divine and worldly power. Steussy's examination of David in 1 and 2 ""Samuel"...
Die Rabbinischen Gleichnisse Und Der Gleichniserzaehler Jesus (Judaica Et Christiana, #4)
by David Flusser