A comprehensive account of the role and work of the Spirit, covering the entire Bible. Written by a team of leading evangelical scholars, including world authorities such as Craig Bartholomew, David deSilva, James D. G. Dunn, Walter Kaiser and Max Turner. Informed by the latest scholarship. Any attempt at a 'biblical theology' must begin with a careful exegesis of the biblical text. To this end, each contributor addresses either a book or genre in one of the testaments through a rigorous exeges...
Robert Lewis examines Paul’s use of the phrase “Spirit of Adoption” in Romans 8:12-17 against the background of its Roman Imperial context in order to shed light on interpretation of Paul's Letter to the Romans. Whereas other scholars have explored what Paul may have meant when he uses the term “adoption” Lewis instead explores the reasons behind Paul's coupling of it with the term “spirit”. Having examined theories for a possible Jewish antecedent for Paul’s use of this phrase, and found them...
In these essays, Walter Brueggemann addresses the necessity for thinking about the shape and structure of Old Testament theology-and for the impact such thinking can have on the larger issues of contemporary life. Brueggemann draws on the work of persons from all disciplines and incorporates them in a seminal way in his theology. The work of persons in theology, psychology, the social sciences, politics, and the like often provides heuristic possibilities and even basic models for talking about...
South Florida Bible College & Theological Journal, Vol. 6 (South Florida Bible College Journal, #6)
A modern English version of the stories of the five books of Moses.
Insights on Luke (Swindoll's New Testament Insights)
by Charles R. Swindoll
Collision Course Radical Islam vs Christianity and the West
by Hiram Rester
Comentario Exegetico Al Texto Griego del Nuevo Testamento: Colosenses
by Samuel Millos
Understanding Purpose (Women of Faith Study Guide)
by Carolyn Custis James
Women of Faith, renowned for their unique combination of personality and truth, offer fresh new messages in their fourth series of popular topical study guides. Titles include:Receiving God's GoodnessExperiencing Spiritual IntimacyContagious JoyUnderstanding PurposeEach study guide, teeming with insights and quotes from the conference speakers provides twelve weeks of Bible study, a leader's guide for small groups, and a special take-home reminder for each week's lesson.
L'Apocalypse de Jean, une réalité en cours (L'Apocalypse de Jean, Une Réalité En Cours, #1)
by Daniel Delpeche Kimbembe
The Bible is held to be both universal and specific, the source of fundamental truths inscribed in words that are exact and sacred. For much of Jewish and almost all of Christian history, however, most believers have understood scripture not in the languages in which it was first written but rather in their own - in translation. This book examines how saints, scholars and interpreters from antiquity to the present have negotiated the difficult task of producing usable versions of the Bible in th...