From the ever-curious mind that brought you the bestselling Do You Think You're Clever? comes a brand-new trip to the far reaches of the intellectual universe, courtesy of even more notoriously provocative Oxbridge interview questions. How would you poison someone without the police finding out? (Medicine, Cambridge) What makes a strong woman? (Theology, Oxford) Instead of politicians, why don't we let the managers of IKEA run the country? (Social and Political Sciences, Cambridge) How do you...
Integrated Marketing Communications + CD
by Dr David Pickton and Amanda Broderick
Integrated Marketing Communications is an exciting European based text covering all elements of marketing communications. Unlike many marketing communications texts Integrated Marketing Communications, as its title suggests, takes an explicitly integrated approach to the subject. Whilst a number of the chapters have been contributed by experts in their field, David Pickton and Amanda Broderick have created a comprehensive and cohesive textbook. The result is a textbook with excellent pedagogy an...
Although semiotics has, in one guise or another, ftourished uninterruptedly since pre- Socratic times in the West, and important semiotic themes have emerged and devel- oped independently in both the Brahmanie and Buddhistic traditions, semiotics as an organized undertaking began to 100m only in the 1960s. Workshops materialized, with a perhaps surprising spontaneity, over much ofEurope-Eastern and Western- and in North America. Thereafter, others quickly surfaced almost everywhere over the lite...
Die Untersuchung entwickelt hermeneutisch-phanomenologisch eine Antwort auf die Frage, wie die Lebenswelt als Natur erfahren wird. Sie zeigt, wie der Naturbegriff bei Kant, insbesondere in den mathematischen Grundsatzen der "Kritik der reinen Vernunft", verarmt und wie er sich schon bei Aristoteles verengt. Bei beiden eroeffnet sich aber zugleich die Moeglichkeit des Ruckgangs zu einem ursprunglicheren Naturverstandnis im fruhgriechischen Denken von Anaximander und Heraklit. Diesen Ruckgang real...
This work uses a wealth of sources to paint a practical picture of the experiences of slaves in 19th-century Morocco. Mohammed Ennaji brings to life a panoply of figures, with court cases, travel accounts, and archival documents, demonstrating the cruelty of an institution whose benign features some writers have overemphasized. In contrast to slavery in the Americas, he argues that only a fine line separated the fluid categories of slave and free, and he reveals how slaves' dependence on their m...
________________________________________Earth is being visited by a number of different alien species.What was once the province of science fiction now appears to be undeniable fact. Written by a researcher recognised internationally for his objective and unsensational approach, Alien Base is the first book to make sense of the bewildering diversity of reports from around the world, and the first to conclude that alien races have established bases of their own on Earth.Culminating with an analys...
Progress in Pattern Recognition (Machine Intelligence & Pattern Recognition)
This volume contains nine papers, one of them nearly of monograph length (by L. Goldfarb), covering a broad range of topics in pattern recognition and computer vision. Three papers discuss the architectural and computational aspects of image processing and computer vision. The second trio of papers surveys three fundamental areas of vision: texture, shape and motion, while the final set of papers deals with pattern recognition theory, including classification rules and decision trees. The last p...
Computer Sciences in Secondary Education
This study explores the links between knowledge (science, technology and things which are learnt) and nation (culture and the things which have to be accepted as given). Its theme is the tension between reason and expertise on one hand, and experience and custom on the other. It describes the historical shape of modern European culture in general, with profiles of the prominent thinkers of each age. The relationship between knowledge, culture and the modern university is explored with a detailed...
The fun-filled quiz book that kids and the whole family will enjoy The fun-filled quiz book that kids and the whole family will enjoy. Quiz your family and friends with this Space Quiz Book from National Geographic Kids, bursting with questions that will keep everyone guessing and give you hours of fun. How many moons does Mercury have? How long is a day on Venus? What gives Mars its reddish colour? 300 questions on everything from planets and moons to com...
The Church and Learning in Later Medieval Society: Essays in Honour of R. B. Dobson (Harlaxton Medieval Studies)
Andre Gide's Politics
These essays examine the outcomes of Gide's evolving commitment to a host of controversial issues ranging from the sexual to the political, from the literary to the social. Beginning in the 1920s, at the peak of his career, after having established himself as an accomplished writer, "moraliste" and the foremost spokesperson of his generation for personal freedom and self realization, Gide became aware, first, that his particular brand of bourgeois individualism was becoming increasingly irreleva...
"Free Standing Mathematics Units" are new qualifications for post-16 students, operating from September 2000. They may be used in conjunction with A-levels and GNVQs, but are independent of them. "Finance" covers Money Management at Foundation Level and Calculating Finance at Advanced Level. "Data" covers Making Sense of Data at Foundation Level and Handling and Interpreting Data at Advanced Level. Brian Gaulter is Chief Examiner of the Free Standing Mathematics for AQA.
This work attempts to find some kind of synthesis between the worlds of art, science and religion, and seeks to locate order within the chaos of basic concepts.
Greater Than a Tourist- Travel Journal (Greater Than a Tourist, #2)
by Greater Than a Tourist