Books in Print - 7 Volume Set, 2022/23
For over 50 years, Books In Print has served the library and book trade communities as the definitive bibliographic resource. This fully-updated edition features more than 401,000 new titles and more than 471,000 new ISBNs, to offer unparalleled coverage of the full range of books currently published or distributed in the United States.
Bricker's International Directory (Bricker's International Directory: University-Based Executive Development Programs)
by Jon Latimer
Associations Canada
Canadian Environmental Resource Guide, 2022/23
The Canadian Environmental Resource Guide is the most complete and only national listing of major environmental companies, federal and provincial agencies, municipal governments, associations, and law firms, plus over 200 pages of industry statistics and conferences. This new edition includes 40 biographies of prominent Canadian environmentalists, an expanded environmental chronology & statistics section, updates on intergovernmental offices & environmental trade representatives abroad, and tra...
The Europa Regional Surveys of the World set 2010
First published in 2010. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Keep Calm I have A Spreadsheet For That
by Notebook & Journal Publishing
Newsweek Graduate School Admissions Adviser (Get Into Graduate School)
Telecommunications Directory 18 2v Set 2007 (Telecommunications Directory, #18)
The UK's best-selling annually updated camping guide, fully revised and updated for 2013. Includes over 900 campsites which have been inspected and rated by the AA's professional inspectors.
A must have for every search Committee The Episcopal Clerical Directory is the biennial directory of all living clergy in good standing in the Episcopal Church-more than 18,000 deacons, priests, and bishops. It includes full biographical information and ministry history for each cleric.
Philadelphia Guide to Visual and Performing Arts
by Jim Pontillo and Jim McClelland
The Canadian Almanac & Directory is the most complete source of Canadian information available - cultural, professional and financial institutions, legislative, governmental, judicial and educational organizations. Canada's authoritative sourcebook for over 170 years, the Canadian Almanac & Directory gives you access to almost 100,000 names and addresses of contacts throughout the network of Canadian institutions.
Short Term Study Programs Abroad (Peterson's Short-Term Study Abroad Programs)
by Peterson's
Winning Shopping Center Design
Julian Jeffs' 2015 Guide to Sherry is the pocket guide that no sherry lover can afford to be without. Based on the sixth edition of his best-selling Sherry this handy little book begins with chapters outlining the geography and fascinating history of the sherry-producing region. This is followed by some tips for tasting sherry along with insights on buying, storing and serving the wine. All of the current producers are listed, and Jeffs includes brief histories and up-to-date assessments as well...