'No banned foods, no recipes, no fads - psychologist and addiction expert Shahroo Izadi's weight-loss book is all about changing the way you relate to what you eat.' - The TimesThis is the last diet you'll ever need. Transform your relationship with food and your body for good with The Last Diet from Behavioural Change Specialist, Shahroo Izadi. Shahroo Izadi presents the best approach to losing weight, without telling you what or how to eat. Shahroo goes deeper than traditional diet plans, usin...
High-Functioning Autism and Difficult Moments
by Brenda Smith Myles and Ruth Aspy
This book offers solutions to minimize and circumvent circumstances that surround the meltdown cycle, not only for the individual with high-functioning autism, but others in the environment as well, including parents, educators, and therapists. A highly practical and user-friendly resource, High-Functioning Autism and Difficult Moments takes the reader through the stages of the meltdown cycle and emphasizes the importance of utilizing teachable moments before and after meltdowns.
Coaching Systemically (Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge)
by Paul Lawrence
This book provides an accessible and clear description of key theories of systemic coaching and how they can be applied to coaching practice. Structured around five different ways of thinking about systems, the book provides coaches with a high-level overview of different systems theories and how those theories may be applied in practice. Readers are invited to consider each of the five different ways of thinking through the lens of philosophy, purpose and practice: Which theories most resonat...
Mindfulness-integrated CBT: Principles and Practice represents the first set of general principles and practical guidelines for the integration of mindfulness meditation with well-documented and newly developed CBT techniques to address a broad range of psychological dysfunctions. The first book to provide a strong rationale and general guidelines for the implementation of mindfulness meditation integrated with CBT for a wide range of psychological difficultiesIncorporates ancient Buddhist conc...
An innovative approach to help you maintain your high standards while also accepting mistakes with compassion and kindness.If you're a perfectionist, you know there's a helpful upside to pushing yourself toward excellence: achievement, success-and, hey, it can be fun and rewarding to work hard! But unhelpful perfectionism can just as easily work against you. It can prevent you from taking risks or trying new things out for fear of failure, judgment, or rejection; cause you to procrastinate; and...
Worksheets for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Marital Conflict
by Portia Cruise
LifeStyle Mastery Emotional Intelligence (Lifestyle Mastery, #3)
by Jacob Fitzgerald
Psychoanalysis, Society, and the Inner World explores ideas from psychoanalysis that can be valuable in understanding social processes and institutions and in particular, how psychoanalytic ideas and methods can help us understand the nature and roots of social and political conflict in the contemporary world. Among the ideas explored in this book, of special importance are the ideas of a core self (Heinz Kohut and Donald Winnicott) and of an internal object world (Melanie Klein, Ronald Fairba...
Learn to change the self-critical stories in your mind and rewire your brain so that you gain the self-confidence to build more fulfilling relationships, careers, and social life. Since childhood, our experiences and interactions have shaped the running narrative of who we are and how we view ourselves. When those interactions are painful, many of us have a tendency to internalize the negativity, translating mean or selfish messages given to us by family, friends, or teachers during our youth i...
How to Become a More Effective CBT Therapist
Taking Charge of Your Emotions
by Louis H. Primavera and Rob Pascale
From time to time, all of us face circumstances that can be psychologically demoralizing. We might have difficulties with certain types of people, have marital problems, or be overwhelmed by day-to-day burdens. When conditions are especially troublesome, we might experience destructive emotions such as anger, fear of abandonment, or anxiety that get the better of us. We may also experience a sense of helplessness, a feeling that events and people control us, and that can detract from our overall...
Imagine an insomnia treatment that improves sleep in 100 percent of insomniacs, helps 75 percent of insomniacs become normal sleepers, and allows 90 percent of insomniacs to reduce or eliminate their use of sleeping pills. This treatment is safe, natural, and has no side effects except improved mood, higher energy, increased mind/body control, and better health. No, this is not a new miracle drug. It is Dr. Gregg Jacobs's drug-free program described in Say Good Night to Insomnia. At Harvard Medi...
Fundamentals of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Understand the basics of the essential approach to cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) is a cognitive-behavioural approach to psychotherapy in which patients are taught to identify and reject irrational and damaging thought patterns and emotional responses. By emphasizing patients’ control over their mental and emotional lives, it cultivates honest self-assessment and healthy emotional responses. Since...