The overall structure of the book is designed to have the reader look at the "big picture" so that the basic statistical concepts connect in a coherent and logical manner. Key terms are defined as they appear and the reader is engaged with diverse examples throughout. Throughout the book the reader is reminded what they need to be able to recall with "You Must Remember This" boxes. A rich source of practical resources are located at the end of chapters beginning with "What You learned" so th...
It's 1 AM, there are 20 tabs open on your computer, you lost your flashcards for the test, and you're so tired you can't even read. It'd be nice if someone came up with a more efficient way of studying. Luckily, someone did. With a single login for MindTap Psychology for Gravetter/Wallnau/Forzano's Essentials of Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences, 9th Edition you can connect with your instructor, organize coursework, and have access to a range of study tools, including e-book and apps all in...
This approachable introduction to doing data science in R provides step-by-step advice on using the tools and statistical methods to carry out data analysis. Introducing the fundamentals of data science and R before moving into more advanced topics like Multilevel Models and Probabilistic Modelling with Stan, it builds knowledge and skills gradually. This book: Focuses on providing practical guidance for all aspects, helping readers get to grips with the tools, software, and statistical method...
Innovative Assessment for the 21st Century
In today's rapidly changing and information-rich world, students are not acquiring adequate knowledge and skills to prepare them for careers in mathematics, science, and technology with the traditional approach to assessment and instruction. New competencies (e.g., information communication and technology skills) are needed to deal successfully with the deluge of data. In order to accomplish this, new "educationally valuable" skills must be acknowledged and assessed. Toward this end, the skills...
Reserch Methods and Statistics in Psychology (Sage Course Companions)
by Hugh Coolican
The new edition of this market-leading textbook has been updated and revised to embrace current developments in this area of psychology. Changes to this edition include: Updated material, for example in the areas of quasi-experiments and qualitative research; improved design and greater use ofdiagrams, making the text easier to follow; structured questions that match the developments in A Level and provide superb opportunities for revision; inclusion of answers to in-text questions, so students...
Written in an accessible and clear manner, Straightforward Statistics with Excel (R) 2e by Chieh-Chen Bowen helps students across the social and behavioral sciences gradually build their skills to develop a better understanding of the world around them. Each chapter purposefully connects with the previous chapter for a gradual accrual of knowledge from simple to more complex concepts. This effective, cumulative approach to statistics through logical transitions eases students into statistics and...
Study Guide for Gravetter/Wallnau's Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
by Frederick J Gravetter and Larry B Wallnau
Written by Fredrick Gravetter, the study guide includes chapter summaries, learning objectives, new terms and concepts, new formulas, step-by-step procedures for solving problems, hints and cautions, and self-tests. STUDENT DESCRIPTION: Written by Fredrick Gravetter, the study guide includes chapter summaries, learning objectives, new terms and concepts, new formulas, step-by-step procedures for solving problems, hints and cautions, and self-tests.
Introduction to the Taxometric Method: A Practical Guide
by John Ruscio, Professor Nick Haslam, and Ayelet Meron Ruscio
A guide to critical thinking in the 'post-truth' era, from the author of Sunday Times best-seller The Organized Mind We live in a world of information overload. Facts and figures on absolutely everything are at our fingertips, but are too often biased, distorted, or outright lies. From unemployment figures to voting polls, IQ tests to divorce rates, we're bombarded by seemingly plausible statistics on how people live and what they think. Daniel Levitin teaches us how to effectively ask ourselves...
This text highlights statistical methods useful for the behavioural sciences from a practitioner's perspective. The format and presentation of statistics should encourage students to research and analyze data. Students are exposed to the power and time-saving features of computer software with examples of output from Minitab, SPSS, BMDP, SAS, and others. Examples and exercises use real data to motivate students and show them the importance of statistical techniques in behavioural research. The e...
A Simple Guide to Advanced Statistics in SPSS Version 13.0
by Lee A. Kirkpatrick and Brooke Fenney
Featuring just the right amount of information and instruction, Kirkpatrick's no-nonsense, streamlined guide provides a thorough examination of the advanced functions of Version 12.0 of the powerful SPSS software. With this guide, students can learn how to use SPSS to perform all of the advanced statistical procedures covered by a typical statistics text--from histograms and descriptive statistics through correlation, regression, t-tests, and analysis of variance. Writing for students who need t...
Best Practices in Teaching Statistics and Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences
This book provides a showcase for "best practices" in teaching statistics and research methods in two- and four-year colleges and universities. A helpful resource for teaching introductory, intermediate, and advanced statistics and/or methods, the book features coverage of: ways to integrate these courses; how to promote ethical conduct; how to create writing intensive programs; novel tools and activities to get students involved; strategies for teaching online courses and computer applications;...
Latent Variable Models
This book provides an introduction to a rapidly-growing area in the social and behavioral sciences -- the modeling of systems in which one or more variables are hypothesized, but not directly observed. Providing a conceptually unified treatment of modeling of this type -- exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, and structural equation analysis -- it is intended to introduce these techniques to individuals who have had some exposure to statistical methods in general, but are...
Research in Psychology: Methods and Design 7e with Wlyetxc Set
by C. James Goodwin
Academic Planner 2018-2019 (Mid Year Planners, #1) (Student Planners, #11)
by Planners and Notebooks and Jolly Journals
Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Science
by Thomas Heinzen and Susan A. Nolan
With captivating storytelling, real-world examples, image-and graphic-rich design, accessible mathematics, and step-by-step worked examples, this textbook introduces students to the why and how of statistical practice in the behavioural sciences, helping them break through common barriers to success in the course. This new edition of their briefer textbook offers fresh exercises throughout, stronger reinforcement of the material's relevance and mathematical requirements and more help with creati...
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 3e (Loose-Leaf) + Webassign
by Dr Gregory J Privitera
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology, Fifth Edition
by Principal Lecturer in Psychology Hugh Coolican
Applied Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences
by Christopher L Aberson
This practical guide on conducting power analyses using IBM SPSS was written for students and researchers with limited quantitative backgrounds. Readers will appreciate the coverage of topics that are not well described in competing books such as estimating effect sizes, power analyses for complex designs, detailed coverage of popular multiple regression and multi-factor ANOVA approaches, and power for multiple comparisons and simple effects. Practical issues such as how to increase power withou...
Statistics, Sixth Edition explains, in plain English, the basic concepts and procedures of Statistical analysis and makes a special effort to clarify such perennially mystifying topics as the standard deviation, variance interpretation of the correlation coefficient, hypothesis tests, degrees of freedom, p-values and estimates of effect size.