The new edition of this best-selling guide carefully leads the user through the process of using SPSS to analyze psychological data. The authors review the basic issues regarding design and proceed through all of the major statistical techniques used in psychology, from introductory to advanced level. Readers are introduced to the rationale and use of each test and shown how to choose, perform, and report the statistical analysis of their own data. SPSS for Psychologists, 3/E covers SPSS versi...
This short but thorough guide approaches statistics with a sense of fun and intellectual excitement. Writing in a relaxed and conversational manner, Garner encourages even the most math-aversive readers to think about statistical material in words and to understand formulas in terms of concepts. This discursive approach to math and an insistence on linking concepts, formulas, and empirical examples in a holistic manner allows readers to choose their own routes to learning math-related ideas. As...
Measurement, Judgment, and Decision Making (Handbook of Perception and Cognition, Second Edition)
by Michael H Birnbaum
This approachable introduction to doing data science in R provides step-by-step advice on using the tools and statistical methods to carry out data analysis. Introducing the fundamentals of data science and R before moving into more advanced topics like Multilevel Models and Probabilistic Modelling with Stan, it builds knowledge and skills gradually. This book: Focuses on providing practical guidance for all aspects, helping readers get to grips with the tools, software, and statistical method...
Innovative Assessment for the 21st Century
In today's rapidly changing and information-rich world, students are not acquiring adequate knowledge and skills to prepare them for careers in mathematics, science, and technology with the traditional approach to assessment and instruction. New competencies (e.g., information communication and technology skills) are needed to deal successfully with the deluge of data. In order to accomplish this, new "educationally valuable" skills must be acknowledged and assessed. Toward this end, the skills...
An Introduction to Psychological Tests and Scales
by Kate Miriam Loewenthal and Christopher Alan Lewis
In its first edition this book successfully enabled readers, with little or no prior knowledge of computing or statistics, to develop reliable and valid tests and scales for assessment or research purposes. In this edition, the author has thoroughly updated the text to include new recent advances in computer software and provide information on relevant internet resources. The book contains detailed guidelines for locating and constructing psychological measures, including descriptions of popular...
This book demonstrates how to conduct latent variable modeling (LVM) in R by highlighting the features of each model, their specialized uses, examples, sample code and output, and an interpretation of the results. Each chapter features a detailed example including the analysis of the data using R, the relevant theory, the assumptions underlying the model, and other statistical details to help readers better understand the models and interpret the results. Every R command necessary for conducting...
Innovative Assessment for the 21st Century: Supporting Educational Needs
by Valerie J Shute and Betsy Jane Becker
Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Applied Research, Second Edition (Methodology in the Social Sciences)
by Timothy A. Brown
With its emphasis on practical and conceptual aspects, rather than mathematics or formulas, this accessible book has established itself as the go-to resource on confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Detailed, worked-through examples drawn from psychology, management, and sociology studies illustrate the procedures, pitfalls, and extensions of CFA methodology. The text shows how to formulate, program, and interpret CFA models using popular latent variable software packages (LISREL, Mplus, EQS, SAS/...
Reserch Methods and Statistics in Psychology (Sage Course Companions)
by Hugh Coolican
The new edition of this market-leading textbook has been updated and revised to embrace current developments in this area of psychology. Changes to this edition include: Updated material, for example in the areas of quasi-experiments and qualitative research; improved design and greater use ofdiagrams, making the text easier to follow; structured questions that match the developments in A Level and provide superb opportunities for revision; inclusion of answers to in-text questions, so students...
SPSS for Introductory and Intermediate Statistics
by George A. Morgan, Nancy L. Leech, and Karen C. Barrett
Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition (Paperback) + Spps V24
by Dr Gregory J Privitera
Best Practices in Teaching Statistics and Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences
This book provides a showcase for "best practices" in teaching statistics and research methods in two- and four-year colleges and universities. A helpful resource for teaching introductory, intermediate, and advanced statistics and/or methods, the book features coverage of: ways to integrate these courses; how to promote ethical conduct; how to create writing intensive programs; novel tools and activities to get students involved; strategies for teaching online courses and computer applications;...
Essentials of Behavioral Statistics distills the overwhelming amount of material covered in introductory statistics courses into a handy, practical resource for students and professionals alike. Easily accessible even to students with a weak background in math and only rudimentary knowledge of statistics, this book explains basic to advanced concepts in a clear, concrete, and readable style. Chock full of practical tips for selecting the appropriate statistical procedure, examples of worked prob...
Cited by more than 300 scholars, Statistical Reasoning in the Behavioral Sciences continues to provide streamlined resources and easy-to-understand information on statistics in the behavioral sciences and related fields, including psychology, education, human resources management, and sociology. The sixth edition includes new information about the use of computers in statistics and offers screenshots of IBM SPSS (formerly SPSS) menus, dialog boxes, and output in selected chapters without sacrif...
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology, Fifth Edition
by Principal Lecturer in Psychology Hugh Coolican