Autism Traveling Life's Journey Using a Different Roadmap
by Larkspur & Tea Publishing
A Treasure Chest of Behavioral Strategies for Individuals with Autism
by Beth Fouse and Maria Wheeler
A cornucopia of ideas, strategies, and concepts that will apply to virtually any situation! The authors address sensory, communication, and physical and social-emotional issues by increasing desired behaviors and decreasing unwanted behaviors. You will also learn how to build sensory diets into everyday activities; use antecedent control; teach students to self-regulate; deal with self-injurious behaviors, physical or verbal aggression, toilet training, obsessive-compulsive behavior, and fixatio...
Group Therapy Techniques with Children, Adolescents, and Adults on the Autism Spectrum
by Kevin B Hull
No matter how high functioning children with autism or Asperger's may be, they are going to have trouble with their sensory issues. Enter Jennifer McIlwee Myers, Aspie at Large! Co author of the groundbreaking book Asperger's and Girls, Jennifer's personal experience with Asperger's Syndrome and SPD makes her perspective doubly insightful. Jennifer's straightforward and humorous delivery will keep caregivers turning the page for the next creative solution.
During a routine parent-teacher conference in November 1991, Echo Fling was told by her son's teacher that his behaviour in class was `not normal'. After two years at the pre-school, five-year-old Jimmy had failed to make any friends, had recently started to act aggressively towards his classmates, and was beginning to react violently to any changes in his routine. Echo was not taken completely by surprise: she had suspected for some time that her son was different from other children. Over the...
VB-MAPP, Evaluacion y Programa de Ubicacion Curricular de los Hitos de la Conducta Verbal
by Mark L Sundberg
High-Functioning Autism/Asperger Syndrome in Schools (Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools)
by Richard J Cowan, Kelly A Powell-Smith, and Frank J Sansosti
Many people with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are remarkably proficient at remembering how things look and sound, even years after an event. They are also good at rote learning and establishing habits and routines. Some even have encyclopaedic memories. However, all individuals with ASD have difficulty in recalling personal memories and reliving experiences, and less able people may have additional difficulty in memorising facts. This book assembles research on memory in autism to examine wh...
In this groundbreaking book, Jill Harshaw explores the spiritual experiences of people with profound intellectual disabilities with regard to their capacity to enjoy life-giving spiritual experiences in their own right. The author expertly argues that our thinking of spiritual life needs to start not with our assumptions about people who are unable to speak for themselves, but with what we can know about God. Stimulating a much-needed discussion, this book explains why we need to respect indivi...
Autismo: guía para padres sobre el trastorno del espectro autista En español
by Charlie Mason