Group Decision-Making in a Collectivist Culture (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Forum der FOM, #49)
by Lars Speckemeier
Auditing Organizational Communication: A Handbook of Research, Theory and Practice
by Owen Hargie
Politics in Organizations: Theory and Research Considerations (SIOP Organizational Frontiers)
Fehlentscheidungen in der eignungsdiagnostischen Personalauswahl
by Franziska Tiedemann
Schueler Lernen Selbstbewertung (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #480)
by Felix Winter
The Multisensory Driver (Human Factors in Road and Rail Transport)
by Cristy Ho and Charles Spence
Driver inattention has been identified as one of the leading causes for car accidents. The problem of distraction while driving is likely to worsen, partly due to increasingly complex in-car technologies. However, intelligent transport systems are being developed to assist drivers and to ensure a safe road environment. One approach to the design of ergonomic automobile systems is to integrate our understanding of the human information processing systems into the design process. This book aims...
Work Stress and Coping in the Era of Globalization
by Dr Rabi S Bhagat, James Segovis, and Terry Nelson
This book examines the phenomena of how individuals experience work stress and coping in both developed and developing countries in the world. Rabi Bhagat, known for his cross-cultural scholarship in this area, and his co authors, help us recognize the causes and consequences of work stress. They present a systematic, comprehensive review of this topic with plenty of practical insights and case studies examining work stress and coping in the era of globalization. Researchers, practitioners and s...
Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) has gained increased attention from the airline industry in recent years due to the growing number of accidents and near misses in airline traffic. This book, authored by the first generation of CRM experts, is the first comprehensive work on CRM. Cockpit Resource Management is a far-reaching discussion of crew coordination, communication, and resources from both within and without the cockpit. A valuable resource for commercialand military airline training curr...
The marriage of neuroscience and the science of choice behaviour gave birth to neuroeconomics. Jan de Jong explores this new discipline, investigating the relationship between choice behaviour and brain activity, and the light that this sheds on our systems of reasoning.
Occupational Psychology: An Applied Approach introduces you to the essential key theories in this area, from motivation and well-being to group roles and individual differences. The book explores the impact of every topic from the perspective of the individual, management, and the organisation as a whole, encouraging you to consider the consultancy process at each stage.
Trauma and Serious Mental Illness
An exploration of the newfound connections between mental illness and trauma For decades, the idea that serious mental illnesses (SMIs) are almost exclusively biologically-based and must be treated pharmacologically has been commonplace in psychology literature. As a result, many mental health professionals have stopped listening to their clients, categorizing their symptoms as manifestations of neurologically-based disturbed thinking. Trauma and Serious Mental Illness is the groundbreaking seri...
Activity Theory in Practice
This ground-breaking book brings together cutting-edge researchers who study the transformation of practice through the enhancement and transformation of expertise. This is an important moment for such a contribution because expertise is in transition - moving toward collaboration in inter-organizational fields and continuous shaping of transformations. To understand and master this transition, powerful new conceptual tools are needed and are provided here. The theoretical framework which has...
This book describes the causes of and methods to prevent states of exhaustion and burnout in professional contexts. It overviews a range of issues from human resource practices in commercial enterprises, to prevention of fatigue and preservation of the working individual's vital energy. The book also addresses new measurement and training methods stemming from the latest applications of biofeedback, testing and training methods, and heart rate variability research, and their application in compa...
Dass Coaching zum probaten Instrument der Personalentwicklung gehoert, ist unbestritten. Zumindest wird diese These in der Coaching-Literatur nahezu unisono wiederholt. Eine umfassende empirische UEberprufung ist jedoch Forschungsdesiderat. Diese Lucke moechte dieses Buch schliessen. Auf Basis einer quantitativen Erhebung (vorbereitet durch qualitative Interviews) wird ein UEberblick uber die Verwendung, Verbreitung und Einfuhrung von Coaching in Grossunternehmen gegeben. Die Nachfrage- und Ange...
Many business leaders love their work and their company, but don't know what else to do to get their employees to love it, too. Their employees may be good people; however, leaders who want their team to become brilliant together are facing roadblocks. In The CEO's Playbook, Nora Ganescu shows businesses how to become that exciting and innovative workplace that creates one game-changing success after the other. She also understands the importance of key elements such as dedication, passion, and...
Cartographies of the Mind (Studies in Brain and Mind, #4)
This book is a collection of essays exploring some classical dimensions of mind both from the perspective of an empirically-informed philosophy and from the point of view of a philosophically-informed psychology. The chapters reflect the different forms of interaction in an effort to clarify issues and debates concerning some traditional cognitive capacities. The result is a philosophically and scientifically up-to-date collection of "cartographies of the mind".
Komponenten Einer Integralen Sozialisationsperspektive (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #267)
by Beat Schaller
Covering a broad spectrum of psychological fields, including general psychology, social psychology, industrial psychology, and personality, this book discusses topics and concepts in the context of the work situation with special reference to South Africa. Study objectives, key words, and self-test questions make this a suitable introductory text for undergraduate courses and a useful resource for practitioners.