Die Beeinflussbarkeit Emotionalen Erlebens Von Musik Durch Analytisches Hoeren (Schriften Zur Musikpsychologie Und Musikaesthetik, #1)
by Gunther Rotter
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist das Verhaltnis von -Denken und Fuhlen- beim Anhoren von Musik. In dem Experiment wird an Musikstucken aus verschiedenen Stilrichtungen getestet, wie sich das Losen von Horaufgaben auf das besonders musikalischen Laien wesentlich vertrautere emotionale Erleben von Musik auswirkt."
Thinking about the Emotions (Mind Association Occasional)
Philosophical reflection on the emotions has a long history stretching back to classical Greek thought, even though at times philosophers have marginalized or denigrated them in favour of reason. Fourteen leading philosophers here offer a broad survey of the development of our understanding of the emotions. The thinkers they discuss include Aristotle, Aquinas, Ockham, Descartes, Malebranche, Spinoza, Hobbes, Hume, Shaftesbury, Hutcheson, Kant, Schiller, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, James, Brentano,...
Opera, Emotion, and the Antipodes Volume I (Routledge Research in Music)
There can be little doubt that opera and emotion are inextricably linked. From dramatic plots driven by energetic producers and directors to the conflicts and triumphs experienced by all associated with opera’s staging to the reactions and critiques of audience members, emotion is omnipresent in opera. Yet few contemplate the impact that the customary cultural practices of specific times and places have upon opera’s ability to move emotions. Taking Australia as a case study, this two-volume coll...
Love and Its Vicissitudes
by Andre Green, Gregorio Kohon, and Andr Green
In Love and its Vicissitudes Andre Green and Gregorio Kohon draw on their extensive clinical experience to produce an insightful contribution to the psychoanalytic understanding of love. In Part I, 'To Love or Not to Love - Eros and Eris', Andre Green addresses some important questions: What is essential to love in life? What, in the psychoanalytic method, is related to it? Should we understand love by referring to its earliest and most primitive roots? Or should we take as our starting point th...
Vorbildeinfluss Und Motivationsprozesse (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #120)
by Frank Halisch
Welchen Einfluss haben erwachsene Vorbilder auf das kindliche Leistungshandeln? Diese keineswegs neue Frage wird neu gestellt. Dazu werden zwei bislang getrennte Forschungstraditionen miteinander integriert: die sozial-kognitive Lerntheorie der Vorbildwirkung (Bandura) und die Leistungsmotivationstheorie (McClelland, Atkinson, Weiner, Heckhausen). Diese Verbindung eroffnet neue Fragestellungen, die nun auf experimentelle Weise angegangen werden. Es wird gezeigt, dass Vorbilder nicht nur Nachahmu...
Diese Arbeit versteht sich als Beitrag zu einer humanen Heilpadagogik. Da das Normalisierungsprinzip eine grosstmogliche Lernforderung Geistigbehinderter bedingt, sucht die Autorin geeignete methodische Mittel dazu und entdeckte das Spiel als Grundlage einer oft uberraschenden Lernforderung. Die Autorin verbindet die Kennzeichnung und den Einsatz bestimmter Spielarten mit deren Wirkungen auf abgegrenzte Bereiche des Lernens. Ausserdem nimmt sie eine Klassifikation der Spielarten vor, entsprechen...
Letter Tracing Book Handwriting Alphabet for Preschoolers Cute PANDA
by John J Dewald
Explaining Emotions (Topics in Philosophy, #5) (Topics in philosophy ; 5)
The challenge of explaining the emotions has engaged the attention of the best minds in philosophy and science throughout history. Part of the fascination has been that the emotions resist classification. As adequate account therefore requires receptivity to knowledge from a variety of sources. The philosopher must inform himself of the relevant empirical investigation to arrive at a definition, and the scientist cannot afford to be naive about the assumptions built into his conceptual apparatus...
What is the History of Emotions?
by Barbara H. Rosenwein and Riccardo Cristiani
What Is the History of Emotions? offers an accessible path through the thicket of approaches, debates, and past and current trends in the history of emotions. Although historians have always talked about how people felt in the past, it is only in the last two decades that they have found systematic and well-grounded ways to treat the topic. Rosenwein and Cristiani begin with the science of emotion, explaining what contemporary psychologists and neuropsychologists think emotions are. They contin...
If "these are the times that test men's souls," never more than for the leader's ability to think clearly, to be present calmly, and to challenge effectively. It's a time when leaders cannot be as anxious as those they serve; otherwise, the system is leaderless. Anxiety flows down like water from a leaky pipe. To lead effectively we must understand the impact of powerful emotional forces on people's behavior, especially in anxious times. Uproar: Calm Leadership in Anxious Times helps leaders und...
Victoria Sobre Las Preocupaciones (Biblioteca de Libros Condensados)
by J E Haggai