Abseits der herkoemmlichen Touristenstroeme, in der Mitte Chinas, liegt das Wudang-Gebirge. Hier hat eine besondere Form des Daoismus, der ureigenen chinesischen Religion, ihre Wurzeln. Die Sanfeng-Daoisten betreiben Kampfkunste und praktizieren ein spezielles Qigong. Ein Herzstuck dieses Qigongs ist die Methode "Seiner Natur folgen - zuruckkehren zum Ursprung", die dem grossen Meister Huo Long (um 1200) zugeschrieben wird. Ziel der UEbung ist es, verbrauchtes, Krankheit verursachendes Qi aus de...
Christ-Centered Therapy
by Neil T T Anderson, Terry E E Zuehlke, and Julie Zuehlke
Contact and Context
This collection brings together some leading figures in Gestalt coaching to take stock of the field and consider how it might move forward. It covers the principles of Gestalt coaching and encourages practitioners to rethink the application of Gestalt in new ways and new settings – e.g. leadership, management and team development. Individual chapters also explore radical and personal perspectives on Gestalt coaching, from considering the place of embodiment to ‘being’ in coaching practice and lo...
In recent decades, there have been significant changes in the way corporate innovation activities are performed. They include changes in the innovation process, flexibility to outsource certain innovation activities, and by far, the most important one, wider choice in the location of innovation. What caught the most attention of is the trend towards globalization of research and development (R&D) and thereby performance of innovation activities away from the home countries. The main concerns r...
Trauma and Serious Mental Illness
An exploration of the newfound connections between mental illness and trauma For decades, the idea that serious mental illnesses (SMIs) are almost exclusively biologically-based and must be treated pharmacologically has been commonplace in psychology literature. As a result, many mental health professionals have stopped listening to their clients, categorizing their symptoms as manifestations of neurologically-based disturbed thinking. Trauma and Serious Mental Illness is the groundbreaking seri...
This book describes the causes of and methods to prevent states of exhaustion and burnout in professional contexts. It overviews a range of issues from human resource practices in commercial enterprises, to prevention of fatigue and preservation of the working individual's vital energy. The book also addresses new measurement and training methods stemming from the latest applications of biofeedback, testing and training methods, and heart rate variability research, and their application in compa...
This text highlights statistical methods useful for the behavioural sciences from a practitioner's perspective. The format and presentation of statistics should encourage students to research and analyze data. Students are exposed to the power and time-saving features of computer software with examples of output from Minitab, SPSS, BMDP, SAS, and others. Examples and exercises use real data to motivate students and show them the importance of statistical techniques in behavioural research. The e...
Intended for courses in helping skills/techniques offered in departments of human services, counsellor education, psychology and social work, this book presents problem-solving skills for helpers. It is designed to teach skills to helpers and shows them how to train/educate clients to use these skills. The author presents his own five-stage model (DASIE) for helping clients develop the specific lifeskills necessary to assume responsibility for how they feel, think and act. The five stages of the...
Cengage Advantage Books: Family Therapy
by Herbert Goldenberg and Irene Goldenberg
An exciting treatment of the topic, this book contains comprehensive coverage of school counseling concerns, with excellent suggestions on utilizing the ideas presented in this resource for local programs. It presents practical, true-to-life discussions. Vital topics covered include adolescent health and well being, benefits of counseling, developmental guidance and counseling, helping people in crisis, consulting with teachers and families, counselors as promoters of school climate, and educati...
First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Ethics in Counseling & Psychotherapy
by Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel and Welfel
ETHICS IN COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY prepares readers to deal effectively with the complex ethical and legal issues they will confront in practice. With a 10-step model of ethical decision making, this contemporary and relevant counseling text prepares students to deal effectively with the complex ethical and legal issues that they will confront in practice. Numerous case studies, followed by the author's analysis of the cases, help students structure their thinking and apply professional stan...
Counseling Christian Workers (Resources for Christian Counseling S., v. 2)
by Louis McBurney
A Mother Apart has been written to relieve the isolation of the many women separated from their child who say, 'I thought I was the only one'. The number of mothers living apart from their children continues to rise. Women leave their children, lose custody, lose touch, choose part-time motherhood or find themselves with no contact at all, for a whole range of reasons. A Mother Apart: How to let go of guilt and find happiness living apart from your child moves beyond the stigma linked to mot...
A Practical Guide to Rational Emotive Behavioural Coaching (Routledge Focus on Coaching)
by Windy Dryden
In his clear and concise style, Windy Dryden outlines the steps and strategies that coaches using Rational Emotive Behavioural Coaching (REBC) should employ as a guide when working with coachees in development-focused REBC and in problem-focused REBC (addressing both practical and emotional problems). A Practical Guide to Rational Emotive Behavioural Coaching shows how REB coaches can address the inevitable obstacles to coaching progress that are likely to occur in all types of REBC and outline...
First Published in 2009. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Life Coach 401: Beyond the Success Keys-relationship Dynamics
by Phyllis G McDaniel
Do you want to be healthier, stronger, happier, more loved and loving, more attractive, more successful, the best "you" that you can be? Through examining psychological motivations, alternative medicine modalities, research findings and quotations from famous persons, guidelines are revealed in a step-by-step enumerated fashion for those who are seeking new success in personal and/or business endeavors. Inspirational steps and ways to be proactive and attack your goals and dreams head-on are out...
Achieving Excellence in Your Coaching Practice (Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge)
by Mrs Gladeana McMahon and Christine Wilding
What are the essential skills needed to set up and run a successful coaching practice? Coaching is the new growth industry in the UK and coaching as a profession is increasingly becoming an attractive option for motivated professionals. Achieving Excellence in Your Coaching Practice provides a practical and accessible guide to the business skills needed to succeed as a self-employed coach. It focuses on every aspect of setting up and developing a professional and successful coaching practice, i...
In this timely and much-needed book, Linda Goldman addresses the many frightening events that impact our children by providing the reader with a seamless mixture of theory and practice garnered from her extensive experience in the field. Raising Our Children to Be Resilient includes trauma resolution techniques and case studies, discussions of the respective roles played by parents, teachers and the larger community as well as additional resources for those in a position to help children who hav...
Der Stress am Arbeitsplatz nimmt dramatisch zu. Vorgesetzte verlangen hoehere Produktivitat, es fehlt die Sicherheit des Arbeitsplatzes und der Wettbewerb wird immer harter. Schlechtes Management, fehlende Fuhrungsqualitaten und nicht funktionierende Organisationsstrukturen sind uberall zu finden. Michael P. Leiter und Christina Maslach, die fuhrenden Burnout-Forscher Amerikas, zeigen in diesem Buch ihr revolutionares Programm, wie man mit Stress und Druck am Arbeitsplatz umgehen und seine Karri...