Voluntary and Forced Migration in Latin America (McGill-Queen's Refugee and Forced Migration Studies)
Latin America provides a compelling case for the study of migration policies and laws, with several factors - including both internal and interregional migration and refugee flows, the region's progressive approach to the management of human mobility, and several forced displacement crises of the contemporary era - offering unique insights.Despite the region's heterogeneous migration flows and unique immigration and refugee laws, the academic literature has thus far lacked in-depth explorations...
Social Policy Reform and Market Governance in Latin America (St Antony's)
This collection offers a critical analytical perspective and fresh empirical data on recent market-orientated social policy reforms in Latin America. The six case studies presented examine labour, education, health and general social development programmes. A particular focus is placed on the ways in which market-enhancing reforms such as demand-based provision, social policy targeting and privatization respond to issues of equity, coverage and the quality of provision.
Los desacuerdos de paz. Artículos y conversaciones (2012-2022) / The Peace Disco rd
by Juan Vásquez
Los textos políticos del ganador del Premio Alfaguara de novela que sitúan a Colombia frente al espejo de la actualidad VIOLENCIA, JUEGOS DE PODER Y POSVERDAD EN UN PAÍS EN BUSCA DE PAZ «Vásquez ha sucedido a García Márquez como el gran maestro literario de Colombia». —Ariel Dorfman, The New York Review of Books «Donde el poder está en juego, la mentira se hará presente». Desde que fueron anunciadas en Colombia las negociaciones de paz con las Farc, Juan Gabriel Vásquez no ha dejad...
This book describes the origins of the current crisis faced by the countries of Central America. Starting with Nicaragua, the author looks at the situation in each country and relates the issues and events that have led to the present state of affairs in each. The nature of the relationship between Central America and the United States is examined in detail. World concern over Central America is highlighted, in particular the possibility of another "Vietnam", and the question of human rights. Th...
The Role of Social Movements in Electoral Politics in Latin America (Routledge Studies in Latin American Politics)
by Gemma McNulty
Social movement-political party relations are an increasingly pertinent phenomenon, not just in Latin America but also in peripheral parts of Europe, countries in the Middle East affected by the Arab Spring, and in and the United States with the Tea Party Movement. Despite this trend, few empirical studies exist which examine the dynamics of the relationship between movements and parties, and the impact of this relationship on electoral politics in particular. This book provides original insight...
Venezuela as an Exporter of 4th Generation Warfare Instability
by U.S. Army War College
Between 1890 and 1930, the port city of Guayaquil, Ecuador, experienced a liberal revolution and a worker's movement which are key elements in shaping the Ecuadorian national identity. In this book, O. Hugo Benavides examines these and other pivotal features in shaping Guayaquilean identity and immigrant identity formation in general in transnational communities such as those found in New York City. Turn-of-the-century: Ecuador witnessed an intriguing combination of transformations: the formatio...
Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean (Open access titles)
Indigenous Movements, Self-representation and the State in Latin America
by Kay B. Warren and Jean E. Jackson
"Throughout Latin America, indigenous peoples are responding to state violence and pro-democracy social movements by asserting their rights to a greater measure of cultural autonomy and self-determination. This volumeOs rich case studies of movements in Colombia, Guatemala, and Brazil weigh the degree of success achieved by indigenous leaders in influencing national agendas when governments display highly ambivalent attitudes about strengthening ethnic diversity
Latin American Politics (Translations from Latin America) (Translations from Latin America Series, ILAS)
by Torcuato S Di Tella
First published in English in 1990 as Latin American Politics: A Theoretical Framework, a translation of Torcuato S. Di Tella's original Sociologia de los procesos politicos, this new edition also focuses on the prerequisites for democracy in any society and on the role of the popular classes in social change. Di Tella draws on the work of Montesquieu, Burke, Tocqueville, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim in formulating his explanatory theories. These theories are then tested against crucial events in...
De Memoria es un texto literario en el cual su autora, Arinda Ojeda Aravena, se atreve a recordar en publico a pesar del dolor que los recuerdos traen. La narracion parte con la entrada clandestina de Arinda a Chile despues de su exilio en Italia y Cuba, y nos instala en un escenario de diferentes hechos y recuerdos que van desde su secuestro en 1981, en un operativo de la CNI, hasta su liberacion. El relato nos muestra la perversa maquinaria estatal de una dictadura militar sangrienta y el regi...
Self-Defense in Mexico (Latin America in Translation/en Traduccion/em Traducao)
by Luis Hernandez Navarro
In Mexico and across other parts of Latin America local Indigenous peoples have built community policing groups as a means of protection where the state has limited control over, and even complicity in, crime and violence. Luis Hernandez Navarro, a leading Mexican journalist, offers a riveting investigation of these armed self-defense groups that sprang up around the time of the 1994 Zapatista uprising in Chiapas. Available in English for the first time, the book spotlights the intense precarity...
What is it like to govern one of the world's most notoriously ungovernable, most vibrant countries? Brazil's former president offers a candid, wry and illuminating view. Fernando Henrique Cardoso received a phone call in the middle of the night asking him to be the new Finance Minister of Brazil. As he put the phone down and stared into the darkness of his hotel room, he feared he'd been handed a political death sentence. The year was 1993, and he would be responsible for an economy that had sev...
Ultimas Noticias del Nuevo Idiota Iberoamericano
by Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza, Carlos Alberto Montaner, and Alvaro Vargas Llosa
In this book Paul Gillingham addresses how the Mexican Revolution (1910-1940) gave way to a capitalist dictatorship of exceptional resilience, where a single party ruled for seventy-one years. Yet while soldiers seized power across the rest of Latin America, in Mexico it was civilians who formed governments, moving punctiliously in and out of office through uninterrupted elections. Drawing on two decades of archival research, Gillingham uses the political and social evolution of the states of Gu...
This book examines the democratic ideas of Michael Manley, Jamaican prime minister from 1972 to 1980, and again from 1989 to 1992, during his government in the 1970s. Manley wrote three books during or about that period, The Politics of Change, A Voice at the Workplace, and Jamaica: Struggle in the Periphery. The first two laid out his policy ideas regarding egalitarian democratic change and economic democracy, and the third reprised those ideas and assessed their implementation and the obstacle...
The United States and Mexico share a history shaped in the 19th century by numerous US forces interventions into Mexican territory and US expropriation of considerable swaths of Mexican territory. However, in spite of structural impediments and a history of resentment by Mexico of US intervention into its affairs and territory, the levels of cooperation and understanding slowly began to improve following a series of international and domestic factors. The decline of the former Soviet Union and t...
Latin America in Times of Global Environmental Change (The Latin American Studies Book)
This volume discusses the challenges of Latin America in global environmental geopolitics. Written by leading experts, this book brings together Latin American research on global environmental change. They cover a range of topics such as climate change, water, forest and biodiversity conservation connected with science policies, public opinion, priorities of international funds, and international politics of Latin American countries. The book describes the discrepancy between the international...
In Political Clientelism and Democracy in Belize: From My Hand to Yours, Dylan Vernon revisits the modern political history of Belize from 1954 to 2013 through the unique analytic lens of the often unspoken but ubiquitous political clientelism, in which politicians provide resources and services to people in return for political support. Presenting Belize as an illustrative and critical case of rampant and damaging political clientelism in the Commonwealth Caribbean, Vernon methodically examines...