Facts About International Communist Front Organisations
by Anonymous
The House Committee on Un-American Activities, 1945-1950
by Robert Kenneth Carr
Red Star, Blue Star (East European Monographs S., v.487)
by Andrew Handler and Susan V. Meschel
This text traces the evolution of Communism in post-war Hungary. It identifies the distinctive features of the Jewish community and describes the relationship of the Communist authorities and the Jewish leadership, pinpointing the difficulties of Jewish students in all walks of life. The second part of the book contains the recollections of 17 people, all Holocaust survivors, who faced the threat of Communism in Hungary. These contributors managed to preserve freedom of speech and action, as wel...
Parteien und Foederalismus in der Luftreinhaltepolitik Deutschlands
by Julian Ostendorf
Parties, Gender Quotas and Candidate Selection in France (French Politics, Society and Culture)
by R. Murray
Gender quotas are a growing worldwide phenomenon, yet their variable implementation remains under-researched. Using the prominent case study of France this book approaches quotas from the perspective of the key actors responsible for them - political parties.
The most visible representative of the Catholic Church in the United States shows how the Church is far from being an ossified carry-over tradition from antiquity. Why Catholicism Matters celebrates the significant contribution the Church makes in many aspects of today's world and applies its wisdom to issues on a personal, national, and global scale. In recent years the Catholic Church has gone through turbulent times with the uncovering of horrible abuse that persisted and could have been pr...
This book aims to unlock the current crisis in democratic accountability by supplementing representative democracy with democratic governance in civil society.
Contemporary Paganism: Minority Religions in a Majoritarian America
by C. Barner-Barry
The Romantic Exiles; a Nineteenth-century Portrait Gallery
by Edward Hallett 1892-1982 Carr
Liberal Mind in Action - Essays in Honour of Richard Holme is a varied collection of essays gathered and edited by Alison Holmes designed to bring to life the wide-ranging career of Richard Holme in the words of those who knew him well. A new kind of political biography, this book provides the opportunity for those who worked with Richard over many years to offer their views not only on the history of the issues Richard had made his life's work, but also their ideas of the future. Authors such a...
Examines one of the most notorious figures of modern American politics: Jesse Helms. Thrift shows that Helms was not merely a right-wing demagogue, but rather a brilliant media mastermind who built a national movement from a little television soundstage in Raleigh.
Zur den Nationalpolitischen Erziehungsanstalten und der Formung ihrer Absolventen. Wie Napolas Elite 'bildeten'
by Nadine Merten
Enquete-Kommissionen im Deutschen Bundestag - Effektive Politikberatung oder nutzlose Papierverschwendung?
by Martin Kutschke
Die Blockademoeglichkeiten des Bundesrates und dessen Konzeption als ein Gegenlager zur Parteienpolitik
by Dirk Tritsch
Spectres of Fascism
Concerns over the rise of fascism have been preoccupied with the Trump presidency and the Brexit vote in the UK, yet, globally, we are witnessing a turn towards anti-democratic and illiberal forces. From the tragic denouement of the Egyptian Revolution to the consolidation of the so-called Gujarat Model in India under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the consolidation of the power of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to the recent election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, fa...