Media and Momentum (Chatham House series on change in American politics)
CEO pay and the mortgage crisis
by United States House of Representatives, Committee on Oversight and Gove (house), and United S Congress
Die Behauptung des Buches lautet: direkte Demokratie ist sinnvoll und moglich. Sie ist es, wenn man sie lokal eingrenzt. Dann aber ist sie der Schlussel zu einer weitreichenden Neuverteilung von Macht und Verantwortlichkeiten zwischen Staat und Burger. Es wird gezeigt, dass ein solches Modell, erstens, sich selber finanziert, zweitens steht und fallt mit seiner Fahigkeit zur Verwaltung des Sozialen, drittens daran zu messen ist, ob und wie weit es lokale Politik generiert - ein offentliches Han...
This book explains how senior officials within the executive branch of government manage the policymaking process and how those policies are crafted and communicated to stakeholders and the public at large, with practical advice on how to write memos, prepare polling questions, and navigate the clearance process. Case studies show how actual policies were developed and how and why policies and processes differed across Administrations. Finally, scenarios allow students to practice the tools and...
This book is a comprehensive compilation of all reports, testimony, correspondence and other publications issued by the Congressional Research Service during the month of August, grouped according to topics. This book is focused on the following topics: *Government Operations *Health Policy *International Relations
This is a thorough survey of the key issues that surround the relations between the military and its civilian control in the US today. Civil-military relations in America have essentially been a bargain to determine the responsibilities and prerogatives of the civilian leadership on one hand and the military on the other. Circumstances, be they political, social, or other, may render the terms of the bargain obsolete, resulting in tensions that call for their renegotiation. For example, substant...
Army Corps of Engineers
by United States Senate, Committee on Environment and P (senate), and United States Congress
Spin Cycle is the first behind-the-scenes account of the White House political operation as it packages and shapes the news by manipulating, misleading, and in some cases, intimidating the press. It is also the tale of how some of the nation's top journalists buy into these efforts and, often, put their own spin on the news.Compelling, infuriating, often devastatingly funny, this is the story you should read before you pick up the newspaper tomorrow morning.
Hearing VI on the Department of Veterans Affairs information technology programs
by United States House of Representatives, Committee On Veterans (house), and United St Congress
Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act
by United States House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary (house), and United States Congress
Unraveling Internal Conflicts in East Asia and the Pacific
by Dr Jacob Bercovitch and Karl Jr Derouen
American Government, Texas Edition
by Dr Karen O'Connor, Larry Sabato, Gary A. Keith, and Stefan D Haag