Des Reactions Politiques. Seconde Edition, Augmentee de l'Examen Des Effets de la Terreur (Histoire)
by Constant-B
The Soviet Far East Military Buildup (Praeger Security International)
by Solomon
The growing nuclearization of the Soviet military presence in the Far East has been of increasing concern to the United States and its Asian-Pacific allies. This volume brings together the diverse perspectives of multinational groups of defense and foreign policy experts associated with the Security Conference on Asia and the Pacific.
An Introduction to Rights (Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy and Law)
by William A. Edmundson
Rights come in various types - human, moral, civil, political and legal - and claims about who has a right, and to what, are often contested. What are rights? Are they timeless and universal, or merely conventional? How are they related to other morally significant values, such as well-being, autonomy, and community? Can animals have rights? Or fetuses? Do we have a right to do as we please so long as we do not harm others? This is the only accessible and readable introduction to the history, lo...
Enlistment Decisions in the 1990s
by M.Rebecca Kilburn and Jacob A. Klerman
The Southern Flank in Crisis, 1973-1976 (Whitehall Histories)
A fascinating collection of British foreign policy documents covering reactions in Whitehall to political change and revolution in the Mediterranean basin from 1973 to 1976. This volume contains many previously unpublished documents, including Joint Intelligence Committee papers, which cast new light on key events, such as the international crisis triggered by the coup against Archbishop Makarios in Cyprus, Turkey’s military intervention in the island, the overthrow of the Caetano regime in Por...
Security, Strategy and Military Change in the 21st Century (Cass Military Studies)
This edited volume explores and analyses strategic thinking, military reform and adaptation in an era of Asian growth, European austerity and US rebalancing. A significant shift in policy, strategy and military affairs is underway in both Asia and Europe, with the former gaining increasing prominence in the domain of global security. At the same time, the world’s powers are now faced with an array of diverse challenges. The resurgence of great power politics in both Europe and Asia, along with...
Fast-moving, self-perpetuating images of violence have radically changed the nature of insurgency in modern times, and the global media trafficking in these images have fundamentally transformed the act and speed of the exchange among populations. First satellite TV, then laptops and the Internet, and now cellphones and social media, new technologies have revolutionized the act of communication and have collapsed the impediments of time and distance. Rebels who hope to overthrow states and revol...
Proposal of Solution in the Chaotic Political Situation in D.R.C
by Honore Matamba
Famine, Fenians and Freedom, 1840-1882 (Rebellions Trilogy, Volume 2)
by Richard Brown
The need for intercultural communication and understanding has never been greater. The unstoppable confluence of technology continues to unsympathetically disrupt, distort, and exert consequential changes to nation states and to the breadth, depth, and scope of sociocultural institutions. Such changes have foregrounded the need to understand and relate to the diverse ethical underpinnings that account for distinctive cultural norms where global or universal collaborations are desired. Success in...
Gender and the Genocide in Rwanda (Routledge Studies in Gender and Security)
by Sara E. Brown
This book examines the mobilization, role, and trajectory of women rescuers and perpetrators during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. While much has been written about the victimization of women during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, very little has been said about women who rescued targeted victims or perpetrated crimes against humanity. This book explores and analyzes the role played by women who exercised agency as rescuers and as perpetrators during the genocide in Rwanda. As women, they took acti...
Globalisation and Insecurity in the Twenty-First Century (Adelphi)
by Christopher Coker
Discusses the impact of globalisation on security in the West and in particular the way it has changed the nature of NATO as well as its security agenda.
The last several years have seen mass uprisings and dynamic social movements across the globe, from the onset of the Arab Spring in 2011, to the Black Lives Matter movement following Michael Brown's death in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014. There is no doubt that social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter accelerated and facilitated these uprisings, providing a way for people to organize and express themselves despite government repression. From Tahrir Square to Ferguson: Social Networks as...
Chinese Civil-Military Relations in the Post-Deng Era (China Maritime Studies, #4)
by Prof Nan Li