Paths to Union Renewal
Historically, social work and psychology professions have pressured and coerced Aboriginal peoples to follow the euro-centric ways of society. The needs of Aboriginal peoples have not been successfully addressed by helping professioan due to a limited attempt to incorporate Aboriginal perspectives and practices of helping. Michael Hart briefly discusses colonization from an Aboriginal perspective, ontological imperialism, social work's role in colonial oppression, and the dynamic of resistance....
The Palgrave Handbook of Co-Production of Public Services and Outcomes
This Handbook provides a comprehensive and authoritative account of the movement towards co-production of public services and outcomes, a topic which has recently become one of the most intensely debated in public management and administration, both in practice and in the academic literature. It explores in depth the processes of co-commissioning, co-design, co-delivery and co-assessment as major approaches to co-production through citizen voice and citizen action and as key mechanisms in the co...
In all societies, past and present, many persons and groups have been subject to domination. Properly understood, domination is a great evil, the suffering of which ought to be minimized so far as possible. Surprisingly, however, political and social theorists have failed to provide a detailed analysis of the concept of domination in general. This study aims to redress this lacuna. It argues first, that domination should be understood as a condition experienced by persons or groups to the extent...
National System Planning for Protected Areas (Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines S., #1)
by Adrian G. Davey
A Stata (R) Companion to Political Analysis
by Philip H. Pollock and Barry C. Edwards
With Philip Pollock's Fourth Edition of A Stata Companion to Political Analysis, students quickly learn Stata via step-by-step instruction, more than 50 exercises, customized datasets, annotated screen shots, boxes that highlight Stata's special capabilities, and guidance on using Stata to read raw data.
Host Cities and the Olympics (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)
by Harry Hiller
Rather than interpreting the Olympics as primarily a sporting event of international or national significance, this book understands the Games as a civic project for the host city that serves as a catalyst for a variety of urban interests over a period of many years from the bidding phase through the event itself. Traditional Olympic studies have tended to examine the Games from an outsider's perspective or as something experienced through the print media or television. In contrast, the focus pr...
Spin Cycle is the first behind-the-scenes account of the White House political operation as it packages and shapes the news by manipulating, misleading, and in some cases, intimidating the press. It is also the tale of how some of the nation's top journalists buy into these efforts and, often, put their own spin on the news.Compelling, infuriating, often devastatingly funny, this is the story you should read before you pick up the newspaper tomorrow morning.
Social Policy in the European Union, Second Edition
by Linda Hantrais
How Ottawa Spends, 2012-2013 (How Ottawa Spends)
by G. Bruce Doern and Christopher Stoney
Continuing its tradition of current, exemplary scholarship, the 2012-13 edition of How Ottawa Spends casts a critical eye at national politics, priorities, and policies, with an emphasis on the Conservative majority's mandated austerity measures and budget-cutting strategies. Leading scholars from across Canada examine a new era of majority government and a transformed political opposition both in Parliament and in provincial politics. Several closely linked political, policy, and spending realm...
Mental Handicap and Physical Environment
by H.C. Gunzburg and A.L. Gunzburg
Walt Disney and the Quest for Community (Design and the Built Environment)
by Steve Mannheim
During the final months of his life, Walt Disney was consumed with the world-wide problems of cities. His development concept at the time of his death on December 15th, 1966 would be his team's conceptual response to the ills of the inner cities and the sprawl of the megalopolis: the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow or, as it became known, EPCOT. This beautifully written, instantly engrossing volume focuses on the original concept of EPCOT, which was conceived by Disney as an exper...
Messages for Managers
by Stephan Bosch, Friederike Schlenker, Jochen Bohn, Simone Kupies, and Matthias Schmidt
Sehr anschauliche kartographische Visualisierungen, nationale Steckbriefe zu den Energiesystemen, globaler Überblick und das Buch ermöglicht Vergleiche.
Build understanding and knowledge with this comprehensive full-colour textbook that covers core modules across all aspects of Early Years.Early Years for Levels 4 & 5 and the Foundation Degree is an authoritative and accessible course textbook for anyone studying at Levels 4 and 5, whether a Foundation Degree, HNC/HND, the first year of an undergraduate programme or other higher vocational qualifications related to early years or early childhood studies. It is also relevant to those working towa...
Promoting Sustainable Economies in the Balkans
This report explains that economic reconstruction alone will not be sufficient to bring long-term peace and stability to the Balkan region, although raising living standards could foster sustainable economic growth and reduce political tensions.
Social Policies in an Age of Austerity (KDI/EWC series on Economic Policy)
South Korea is a recently rich country with dramatic demography - expensive children, very low fertility, long life and rapid population aging. Its policies and institutions must adjust rapidly to these new economic and demographic realities, and this excellent collection of studies of the welfare state in Korea, North America, and Europe will help guide Korean policy makers in this task.'- Ronald Lee, University of California, Berkeley, US'This book explores a highly topical issue which is of i...