Leaving the Streets
by Alexa Carson, Phillip Clement, and Katie Crane
Giving prominence to the voices of young people themselves, this study explores their attempts to exit street life-and looks at the supports and barriers that help or hinder them in this process. Youth between 16 and 24 are considered the fastest growing segment of the homeless population in Canada. While much has been written about street engagement and street culture, little attention has been paid to how youth move away from the street. From shelters and programs to mental health and drug use...
Evaluation of the Leeds Personality Disorder Clinical Network
by Marie O'Connor, Vanessa Watt, Elaine Hogard, and Roger Ellis
Work over Welfare tells the inside story of the legislation that ended "welfare as we know it." As a key staffer on the House Ways and Means Committee, author Ron Haskins was one of the architects of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996. In this landmark book, he vividly portrays the political battles that produced the most dramatic overhaul of the welfare system since its creation as part of the New Deal. Haskins starts his story in the early 1990s, as a small group of...
Home Owners in Negative Equity
by Ray Forrest, Tricia Kennett, and Philip Leather
Falling house prices in Britain have left over a million householders experiencing the problem of negative equity, with their outstanding mortgages greater than the current value of their homes. This report provides detailed evidence of the characteristics and housing market behaviour of households in negative equity. Drawing on a social survey of 1200 homeowners in Bristol, Luton and Glasgow, it examines the types of homes affected, the effect on family lives, the circumstances that brought the...
Getting the Best Out of Supervision in Counselling & Psychotherapy
by Dr Mary Creaner
Getting the Best Out of Supervision in Counselling & Psychotherapy does exactly what it says on the tin! Supervision is an essential part of counselling training and ensuring you know exactly how to get the very most out of supervision is important, whatever their level of study. Exploring how to begin, maintain and end a supervisory learning relationship in the context of existing theory and best practice guidelines, the author will introduce your trainees to: Models and forms of supervisionT...
′The book makes it easy to dip into a topic and also gives good overviews of theories and applications. This will definitely help students′ Lesley Groom, University of Bolton Carefully-researched and highly readable this textbook looks at the experiences and health and social needs of key ′vulnerable groups′. It presents an engaging social science perspective relevant to everyone exploring how we, and society, care for the vulnerable. Each chapter defines and explores a vulnerable social...
Social Security Agency Annual Report & Accounts
No Charity There, now in a revised edition, provides the first general history of social welfare in Australia. It traces the development of official and community attitudes to demands and expectations.Using material not previously readily available, Brian Dickey analyses how Australian society has sought to solve the problems raised by a wide variety of vulnerable groups since 1788: the aged, orphans, single mothers, the insane, alcoholics and the unemployed.No Charity There is a carefully resea...
Through a practical introduction to the policies of the American welfare state-a wide-ranging subject much discussed but seldom described-this concise volume details the four main areas of social welfare policy: housing assistance, nutrition assistance, income assistance, and medical assistance. In plain, approachable language, author Brian Glenn explains, for example, how Section 8 housing vouchers function, what WIC is, the Medicare program, and what Temporary Aid to Needy Families does. It is...
This exploration of the experiences of adopting parents and children offers unusual insight into adoption's complexity and its profound impact on family life. Based on the author's research in Germany, where she lived and taught, The Adopted Child has a great deal to say about child rearing and identity, as well as offering insights into similarities and differences in family life and adoption in Germany and the United States. Hoffmann-Reim takes the reader through the decision to adopt, the ad...
Who was Helen Keller? Why is she famous? How do we know about her? This series introduces you to the lives of famous men and women. Each illustrated life story is told by primary source material, encouraging you to discover how we find out about important people in history. Each book contains: an interesting story and a look at the evidence, written and pictorial primary source material, a glossary, pronunciation guide, and index.
Social Security Implications of Parental Leave (House of Commons Papers, No. 543 (Session 1998-99))
Eighteenth-century London was teeming with humanity, and poverty was never far from politeness. Legend has it that, on his daily commute through this thronging metropolis, Captain Thomas Coram witnessed one of the city's most shocking sights-the widespread abandonment of infant corpses by the roadside. He could have just passed by. Instead, he devised a plan to create a charity that would care for these infants; one that was to have enormous consequences for children born into poverty in Britain...
This is the fifth edition of the classic text for students of urban and regional planning. It gives an historical overview of the developments and changes in the theory and practice of planning, throughout the entire twentieth century. This extensively revised edition follows the successful format of previous editions:it introduces the establishment of planning as part of the public health reforms of the late nineteenth century and goes on to look at the insights of the great figures who influ...